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General community discussion for Exosphere, user-friendly OpenStack client. (https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere) For development-focused discussion, please join #exosphere-dev:matrix.org.4 Servers

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8 Mar 2023
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afAwesome, I wasn't sure if you knew they used 10 heavily or something that would make it a strong need. Its not a huge jump to add it, the "hard" part is getting python's cryptography installed for ansible, since it needs a recent-ish rustc, gcc, and more22:56:22
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afor bdist wheels, but I feel like updating debian past the "release" python version breaks their idea of stability22:57:06
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartyes, I suggest not attempting it in the first pass at this.23:05:58
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afYeah, I got 11 working, tested 10 and quickly decided to ask instead of banging my head against the wall23:06:23
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afOk, I did continue that work from my rhel-9 branch, so there wouldn't be merge conflicts all over ansible/ How would you prefer a MR for that23:12:05
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartgenerally we prefer smaller-scoped MRs that solve fewer problems at a time, but if that causes a bunch of work for you, you could combine them and we'll try to review together.23:21:40
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartsuggestion, if you think https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere/-/merge_requests/773 stands on its own, make another branch off of it for the Debian support, and submit that as another MR that depends on !773.23:57:14
15 Mar 2023
In reply to @cmart:matrix.org
no way #A36B00 or #613D00 are "gold" (in a regular user's expectation)
"dark yellow/orange/gold = brown" doesn't get old 😅
20 Mar 2023

Here's a link to Conventional Commits:


@lordparsley:matrix.orgKyleHere's a gist that gives a few clear examples: https://gist.github.com/qoomon/5dfcdf8eec66a051ecd85625518cfd1316:32:53
@lordparsley:matrix.orgKyle And then commitlint is a nice tool for linting commit messages. (Which has several configs include for @commitlint/config-conventional.) 16:35:21
@lordparsley:matrix.orgKyle * And then commitlint is a nice tool for linting commit messages. (Which has several configs including for @commitlint/config-conventional.) 16:39:53
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.af julianp: I can work on adding some basic desktop apps, but getting them consistent across platforms will be a fair bit of work, and I need to figure a way to not try to override the JS2-provided software. I feel like that could be a new issue perhaps? 17:20:12
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianp Yes. I think we need to capture the requirements in an issue anyway. And with input from researchers and target users. 17:22:32
27 Mar 2023
@lordparsley:matrix.orgKyleThis is a pity: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/dependencies.html#complex-merge-order-dependencies-are-unsupported I wanted to add each of Jim's MRs as a dependency to the next ones but this is an unsupported dependency chain 😥 Just a note that I've added the first one in the chain to each of them.09:24:36
28 Mar 2023
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afwould anyone have a complaint about moving the git push hooks to pre-commit? I would rather fail fast when theres a formatting issue22:44:37
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpThat's probably better, yes. We might also want to add a note to the documentation about how to skip the hooks. I know it annoys some people.22:45:56
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.af Can you skip push hooks? I didn't see a way. pre-commit, you can just git commit [-n / --no-verify] 22:46:22
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpYeah. Works the same I believe.22:46:47
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpAt least on my system.22:46:56
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpAlso let's move this to #exosphere-dev22:47:06
12 Apr 2023
@cmart:matrix.orgcmarthttps://registerspill.thorstenball.com/p/two-types-of-software-engineers Relevant for research computing, which (in my view) has a strong historical type 1 culture.16:10:46
17 Apr 2023
@smather:matrix.orgStephen Mather joined the room.16:45:45
21 Apr 2023
In reply to @balloons:matrix.org
I manage the team behind Wikimedia Cloud Services. https://horizon.wikimedia.org/. Tips hat. Nice to meet you.

Hi balloons! Support for Debian 11 has been merged: https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere/-/issues/896

Let us know if it works for you.

In reply to @julianp:matrix.org

Hi balloons! Support for Debian 11 has been merged: https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere/-/issues/896

Let us know if it works for you.

Oh, and there's now better documentation for setting up a production deployment:


24 Apr 2023
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianpHi folks! No community meeting today. Both maintainers are occupied. Apologies for the short notice.15:06:42
25 Apr 2023
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afI'm so strung out, but I'm back15:33:48
28 Apr 2023
Download image.png
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianp Wow. Nice. 16:30:51

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