

48 Members
General community discussion for Exosphere, user-friendly OpenStack client. (https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere) For development-focused discussion, please join #exosphere-dev:matrix.org.3 Servers

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10 Jul 2024
@lordparsley:matrix.orgKyle I'm in this 'un. 15:33:40
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartstill seeing 3. I'm joining Kyle's15:34:13
@julianp:matrix.orgjulianp Can’t join that way. I’m going to delete all. Then create new one. Stand by. 15:34:23
jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:34:32
Jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:34:36
Jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:34:39
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartok. sorry. I guess my client glitched out15:34:39
jitsi widget added by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:34:51
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartKyle and I are on the call15:37:23
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart or at least a call 15:37:38
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afsomehow julian and I ended up in a separate one?15:37:54
jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp16:27:49
17 Jul 2024
jitsi widget added by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:31:20
jitsi widget added by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:31:30
jitsi widget added by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:31:31
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afyou did it again15:31:41
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afI see three calls15:31:45
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.afI found kyle in the first one!15:33:01
@kageurufu:matrix.orgfrank.af julianp: we're still missing you? 15:40:02
@lordparsley:matrix.orgKyleI got this link from my Jisti app: https://jitsi.riot.im/qALrQaRCgWgkQcBoKG0416e8915:40:04
jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:41:59
@lordparsley:matrix.orgKyleScreenshot 2024-07-17 at 17.43.40.png
Download Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 17.43.40.png
@lordparsley:matrix.orgKyle julianp: it came through in triplicate for some reason. 15:44:30
jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp16:01:30
jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp16:02:16
24 Jul 2024
@lordparsley:matrix.orgKyle frank.af, I have rare in-person thing to attend in Jhb this afternoon & I'm quite likely still going to be on the train home when we'd normally have our meeting. Apologies, but I'll have to rain check our community meeting 🙈 07:43:03

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