

46 Members
General community discussion for Exosphere, user-friendly OpenStack client. (https://gitlab.com/exosphere/exosphere) For development-focused discussion, please join #exosphere-dev:matrix.org.3 Servers

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31 Jul 2024
jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp16:00:41
1 Aug 2024
@cmart:matrix.orgcmarthey, I am back from vacation. I'll catch up with Exosphere in the next 1-2 days, if anything needs my attention sooner feel free to ask me again18:16:08

I just noticed that the browsable archives of this and the #exosphere-dev rooms have not been updating.



Do others see the same thing?

We link to the archives from the project home page, and anybody checking the activity of the project would be rightly concerned.

2 Aug 2024
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartthis room (https://view.matrix.org/room/!qALrQaRCgWgkQcBoKG:matrix.org/) seems up-to-date; it shows your most recent message. the other room seems stuck in 2022 🤷20:10:47
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartI think view.matrix.org might be kinda broken. 20 minutes after my last message, the page for this room now shows content no more recent than 2020.20:31:32
3 Aug 2024
@alecbcs:matrix.orgalecbcsI think view.matrix.org might have gone the way of archive.matrix.org16:18:03
@alecbcs:matrix.orgalecbcsI'd probably point folks at https://matrix.to/#/#exosphere:matrix.org instead16:20:33
@alecbcs:matrix.orgalecbcs *

I'd probably point folks at https://matrix.to/#/#exosphere:matrix.org instead

7 Aug 2024
jitsi widget added by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:31:23
jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp16:46:40
14 Aug 2024
Jitsi widget added by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:30:14
Download image.png
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartrebooting here..15:36:04
Jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp16:20:09
20 Aug 2024
Download image.png
@cmart:matrix.orgcmartunder-served market niche21:07:38
@cmart:matrix.orgcmart(click button, get cloud Linux desktop with GPU backing it)21:07:52

Paperspace looks interesting, it's basically DigitalOcean, but

Can I use Blender, 3D applications, or render?

We offer an experimental desktop option for Linux but we recommend using Windows for desktop/GUI applications.

@cmart:matrix.orgcmarthttps://docs.digitalocean.com/products/paperspace/machines/details/desktop-streaming/ I wonder what tech they're using for this21:12:27
21 Aug 2024
Jitsi widget added by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:30:18
Jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:54:23
Unknown widget removed by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:54:23
28 Aug 2024
Jitsi widget added by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:30:59
Jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp16:21:34
Unknown widget removed by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart16:21:48
4 Sep 2024
Jitsi widget added by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:30:58
Jitsi widget removed by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart16:10:04
11 Sep 2024
Jitsi widget added by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:31:33
Jitsi widget removed by @cmart:matrix.orgcmart15:52:52
Jitsi widget removed by @julianp:matrix.orgjulianp15:52:54

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