
CF Trash Talk

8 Members
Shit talk other people's clusters, but be nice to the humans (you assholes). 1 Servers

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21 Feb 2019
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:57:05
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:57:22
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerIt's hard to find a good network equipment these days as a celebrity ClusterFighter... my last 5-port kept missing packets because it was selling them to fans on ebay.03:58:20
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:00:54
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:02:09
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerMr Clustoffelees was once in love with an alien Lion Goddess from a few galaxies over, and when she died he traveled through vastness and hurled his anger into the vaccuum of loneliness until he at last dumped all his spite and disgust into a vile stack of putrid fragments, and that's how WrathberryPII was born.04:03:01
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerDan's cluster is so desperate that it has an exciting opportunity for you and your friends.04:05:10
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:05:12
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:05:39
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:05:48
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerconfession: one time I used Mr Clustoffelees to prop open the ribcage of a beached dolphin during a rescue and never cleaned him off04:06:53
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerlol nice04:07:00
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerThe internet browses Mr. Clustoffelees.04:07:34
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerMr Clustoffelees invented programming just so he'd have us to play with.04:08:05
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:09:05
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:09:08
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:09:23
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerMr Clustoffelees does the moonwalk at parties, no to show off, but because people genuinely enjoy his demeanor.04:09:30
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:09:42
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerMr Clustoffelees is such a gentle lover, he banged all the virgins in muslim heaven without allah even noticing.04:12:17
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerMr Clustoffelees slides packets in so smooth, my network hardware groans a little.04:13:57
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:16:18
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:16:30
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:16:38
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerman my cluster looks so good, it's gonna make your cluster look like a wooden shit-lined bucket with a side slat missing.04:24:13
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerMr Clustoffelees' BOM is a pdf scan of a purchase order from NASA R&D.04:25:22
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:26:17
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerYour cluster is so weak, you'd have better luck just shouting noises and hoping it's the correct string.04:28:16
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerMy RAM is so volatile, i even can't have it around other RAM or it gets into fights.04:29:29
@di0_thedestroyer:matrix.orgdi0_thedestroyerMy heatsinks are so effective, if you touch one, you have to pour warm water over your skin to get it unstuck.04:30:37

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