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7 Sep 2018
@juh_:matrix.org@juh_:matrix.orgI think the Satzung throwed a 404012:15:45
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwthat shouldnt happen12:16:04
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwwhen I tried just a minute ago it worked12:16:12
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwwhat URL are you using?12:16:16
@davidak:matrix.org@davidak:matrix.orgworks for me12:16:35
@juh_:matrix.org@juh_:matrix.orgthis link works it was yesterday when I browsed the teahub pages12:17:51
@davidak:matrix.org@davidak:matrix.orghttps://teahub.io/satzung.html also works12:18:12
@davidak:matrix.org@davidak:matrix.orgwas it that url?12:20:25
@juh_:matrix.org@juh_:matrix.orgDo you know if gitea will have activitypub federation?12:26:30
@davidak:matrix.org@davidak:matrix.orgthere is a workgroup working on federation12:27:16
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwI know there has been talk about this in the gitea developer team, but as far I am aware the activitypub federation standard is not even remotely close to getting finalized?12:27:31
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwyes, they renamed it a few weeks ago12:27:55
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwAs soon it materializes, and gitea supports it, we should definitely enable and support it12:28:22
@davidak:matrix.org@davidak:matrix.orgi think there are people from the gitea and gitlab community12:28:25
@juh_:matrix.org@juh_:matrix.orgFederation makes new models of financing such services possible.12:29:25
@juh_:matrix.org@juh_:matrix.orgYou could setup a small instance for a small group of people (a school, a club, a company whatever) and still have all the code at your fingertips.12:30:22
@juh_:matrix.org@juh_:matrix.orgFor me this is much better than have a big central instance even if it is a non-profit organization like wikipedia12:31:24
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwyes, a very interesting development12:31:24
@davidak:matrix.org@davidak:matrix.orglike the mastodon instances, right?12:31:28
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwotoh there are people claiming git has always been federated, it is in essence old news in git-land: https://drewdevault.com/2018/07/23/Git-is-already-distributed.html12:31:45
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwboth sides have interesting arguments, very interesting to watch12:32:04
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwlet's see how it works out at the end12:32:14
@davidak:matrix.org@davidak:matrix.orgbut it's not as usable as github. i really like github for it's usability12:32:28
@davidak:matrix.org@davidak:matrix.orgit's like a social network for me :)12:32:58
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwyes, we all do ... they definitely have a good head start12:33:14
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwyes, the value of github is not the code, but the network12:33:29
@holger.waechtler:matrix.orghwthis will be the most significant challenge for us12:33:43
@davidak:matrix.org@davidak:matrix.orgfederation would be a huge step in that direction since it don't matter on what instance you are (even your own) or even if you use gitlab or gitea/gogs12:34:45

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