
Logseq: Academia

4314 Members
Academic users of Logseq, gather here! This channel is bridged with the official Logseq community on Discord.18 Servers

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21 Jun 2024
@kingofearth:matrix.orgkingofearth changed their profile picture.03:59:15
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org joined the room.22:29:11
22 Jun 2024
@iath:kraw.euiath banned @tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org (spam).06:31:48
@tsc67:matrix.org@tsc67:matrix.org joined the room.18:30:34
25 Jun 2024
@tsc67:matrix.org@tsc67:matrix.org left the room.16:44:51
26 Jun 2024
@channingtatun:matrix.orggggggg joined the room.01:48:41
@glutonius:matrix.orgglutonius joined the room.15:18:35
29 Jun 2024
@h_a:matrix.org@h_a:matrix.org joined the room.09:25:23
@iath:kraw.euiath banned @h_a:matrix.org@h_a:matrix.org (spam).09:25:28
30 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.org@memefi:matrix.org 21:47:56
@iath:kraw.euiath banned @memefi:matrix.org@memefi:matrix.org (spam).22:14:56
1 Jul 2024
@ernestwambua:matrix.orgNyquist joined the room.19:36:30
@ernestwambua:matrix.orgNyquist changed their display name from Ernest Wambua to Nyquist.19:45:16
@s4kun4:matrix.org@s4kun4:matrix.org joined the room.20:22:23
2 Jul 2024
@s4kun4:matrix.org@s4kun4:matrix.org left the room.07:08:41
4 Jul 2024
@brbcozy23:matrix.org@brbcozy23:matrix.org joined the room.00:20:20
@brbcozy23:matrix.org@brbcozy23:matrix.org left the room.01:43:57
9 Jul 2024
@allyrbaserbelong2:matrix.orgallyrbaserbelong2 joined the room.06:40:52
10 Jul 2024
@botechia:matrix.orgbotechia joined the room.03:35:30
11 Jul 2024
@rjjaramillo2:matrix.orgJeremy Jaramillo joined the room.02:15:36
12 Jul 2024
@emtie:matrix.orgVilker Brayner joined the room.22:44:29
13 Jul 2024
@illusive_evil:matrix.orgillusive_evil joined the room.04:12:00
14 Jul 2024
@whoareyougonnacall:matrix.org@whoareyougonnacall:matrix.org joined the room.19:47:59
21 Jul 2024
@iaxat:matrix.orgx joined the room.06:59:18
@glutonius:matrix.orgglutonius set a profile picture.19:34:10
22 Jul 2024
@iaxat:matrix.orgx changed their display name from iaxat to iaxatx.07:52:10
@iaxat:matrix.orgx changed their display name from iaxatx to x.07:59:40
23 Jul 2024
@whoareyougonnacall:matrix.org@whoareyougonnacall:matrix.org left the room.07:36:52
@sandeep.sagar:matrix.orgsandeep.sagar joined the room.09:29:51
26 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.orgthompson joined the room.01:26:57

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