
Chatbot Summit Tel Aviv Lobby

27 Members
http://chatbotsummit.com | Meet and chat here with all the other attendees and speakers!1 Servers

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17 Nov 2016
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".11:27:54
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew changed the join rule to "public" from "invite".11:27:54
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew set the room topic to "http://chatbotsummit.com | Meet and chat here with all the other attendees and speakers!".11:28:30
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewright, this room clearly needs some bots :D11:39:05
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew invited @69356:matrix.orgGuest 69356.11:39:41
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew invited @Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine.11:39:51
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew invited @neb_giphy:matrix.orgGiphy.11:40:38
@neb_giphy:matrix.orgGiphy joined the room.11:40:38
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew invited @_neb_guggy:matrix.orgGuggy.11:40:49
@_neb_guggy:matrix.orgGuggy joined the room.11:40:49
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine joined the room.11:40:57
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew!guggy it's happening!11:40:58
@_neb_guggy:matrix.orgGuggyit's happening!
Download it's happening!
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewbeautiful, guggy..11:41:05
20 Nov 2016
@royravid:matrix.orgroyravid joined the room.20:03:00
22 Nov 2016
@royravid:matrix.orgroyravid invited @80589:matrix.orgShahar albag.06:31:54
@80589:matrix.orgShahar albag joined the room.06:31:54
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandineGood morning ChatBot Summit!06:55:12
Download ima_3f70581.jpeg
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandine invited @ben0001:matrix.org@ben0001:matrix.org.07:57:05
@ben0001:matrix.org@ben0001:matrix.org joined the room.08:04:21
@ArgesRic:matrix.org@ArgesRic:matrix.org joined the room.08:06:32
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandineHi Ricardo, glad you made it :)08:10:42
@ArgesRic:matrix.org@ArgesRic:matrix.orgHi Amandine. :-) Yeah, made it. Thought I'd bring up the issue on twitter in case anyone else had a similar problem.08:12:09
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandinechecking it now08:12:57
@Amandine:matrix.orgAmandineand it happened because you already are a user :) trying to see if it can be fixed for existing users08:16:53

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