
Linux Unplugged Chat

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25 Jul 2024
@strit:matrix.orgDan Johansen Gecko already exists I believe. 07:56:56
26 Jul 2024
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkch Just found out that Popey has a podcast now these days chrislas. 08:42:01
@pagdot:pagdot.atpagdotHe has for some already. Linux Matters is pretty much a continuation of the Ubuntu Podcast under a different network/organisation08:43:09
@strit:matrix.orgDan Johansen Yep. Part of the LNL network. 08:44:04
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkchIt's interesting seeing where some of the regulars from LINUX Unplugged ended up these days.08:57:51
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkchBack then I remember Popey was quite active in the community and had been on a couple of the shows. 08:58:23
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkch * Back then I remember Popey was quite active in the community and had been on a couple of the shows, even did the first show of tech talk today with Chris.08:58:37
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkch * Back then I remember Popey was quite active in the community and had been on a couple of the shows, even did the first show of Tech Talk Today with Chris.08:58:45
@pagdot:pagdot.atpagdotJoe Ressington switched from working with JB to booting up his own network from his LateNightLinux when he had to leave JB because of their back-then owner09:07:43
In reply to @pagdot:pagdot.at
Joe Ressington switched from working with JB to booting up his own network from his LateNightLinux when he had to leave JB because of their back-then owner
Huh, I thought Chris ran and owned the network.
@JonTheNiceGuy:matrix.orgJonTheNiceGuy 🧔🏻💻🔐🎤LNL was around before he worked for JB, it just wasn't so much of a commercial venture for him then. Following his exit from JB, he made several more podcasts.09:10:54
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkchWould be really cool though if we could chase down all the old people from LINUX Unplugged and have them on one episode.09:11:38
In reply to @kezkch:digitalprivacy.diy
Huh, I thought Chris ran and owned the network.
ran, yes, owned not always. For a few years it belonged to another entity before chris got it back
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkchMatt, Popey, Wimpy.09:11:45
In reply to @pagdot:pagdot.at
ran, yes, owned not always. For a few years it belonged to another entity before chris got it back
JB wouldn't be where it is without Chris.

In December of 2019, Linux Academy was acquired by A Cloud Guru.[2]

In August 2020, on Linux Unplugged 368,[3] Chris Fisher announced Jupiter Broadcasting would be independent again, and 2 shows, Coder Radio and Linux Action News, would resume. Linux Headlines would stay with A Cloud Guru.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter_Broadcasting

@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkchIf he decided to walk out then the whole thing would fall apart overnight tbh.09:12:54
@pagdot:pagdot.atpagdotYes, he is the only one on full-time09:13:35
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkchThey actually did merge with Linux Academy in the end.09:14:06
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkchI remember listening to some old epsiodes where Chris had praised them for the good work they've been doing.09:14:50
@JonTheNiceGuy:matrix.orgJonTheNiceGuy 🧔🏻💻🔐🎤Martin and Alan are both on Linux Matters09:17:12
@pagdot:pagdot.atpagdot Kezkch: Can recommend the LNL network if you want more Linux related podcasts :) https://latenightlinux.com/about/ 09:25:26
@pagdot:pagdot.atpagdotThey also often have a different take/opinions on certain topics09:26:28
@pagdot:pagdot.atpagdot * They also often have a different take/opinions on certain topics compared to JB09:26:35
@kennet-runner:matrix.orgkennet-runnerIf I get any more podcast recommendations I'm gonna need a longer commute 🤣09:32:39
@JonTheNiceGuy:matrix.orgJonTheNiceGuy 🧔🏻💻🔐🎤I quite enjoy a "Hopecast", basically a Sci-fi fiction podcast currently on it's 13th season (and yes, you'll want to start at Season 1) which starts off being about an AI in space. Part of the reason why I quite like it is because there's a lot of positive mental health messages in the podcast and the creator has mentioned that he's written the AI to be a bit like a mildly autistic human, so some of it is trying to understand humans. There's also some amateur radio discussion and they're always going off on adventures. Each season is about 10 episodes long, and each episode is about 20-30 minutes. Originally written to showcase the music the creator was writing, it's now as much of a story as a music showcase. Oh, and if it helps, it's by the same person who does "No Boilerplate" (but that might not mean anything to you :) )12:12:52
@JonTheNiceGuy:matrix.orgJonTheNiceGuy 🧔🏻💻🔐🎤 * I quite enjoy a "Hopecast" called "Lost Terminal" - https://lostterminal.com/ which is a hard Sci-fi fiction podcast currently on it's 13th season (and yes, you'll want to start at Season 1) which starts off being about an AI in space. Part of the reason why I quite like it is because there's a lot of positive mental health messages in the podcast and the creator has mentioned that he's written the AI to be a bit like a mildly autistic human, so some of it is trying to understand humans. There's also some amateur radio discussion and they're always going off on adventures. Each season is about 10 episodes long, and each episode is about 20-30 minutes. Originally written to showcase the music the creator was writing, it's now as much of a story as a music showcase. Oh, and if it helps, it's by the same person who does "No Boilerplate" (but that might not mean anything to you :) )12:13:40
@chris218:matrix.org@chris218:matrix.org left the room.22:03:07

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