
Linux Unplugged Chat

1125 Members
Room for discussing LUP topics - for general chat go to the JB room114 Servers

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9 Dec 2024
@fraxinus_e:matrix.orgfraxinus_e joined the room.04:02:38
@thegreatape:matrix.orgthegreatape joined the room.06:01:14
@thegreatape:matrix.orgthegreatapeHi everyone, I was listening to todays chat and saw that https://colonyevents.com/ was a thing! I'm in arizona in the phoenix area and was wondering if anyone was near there and wanted to meet up? Is this the "right room" for that?06:01:17
@thegreatape:matrix.orgthegreatapeI figured I should organize this before randomly making an event (I'm new to the area)06:01:51
@filanto:matrix.orgFilantoHow about the best Linux based firewall category. 😁 I love mine but it sure isn't FOSS13:14:46
In reply to @filanto:matrix.org
How about the best Linux based firewall category. 😁 I love mine but it sure isn't FOSS
What Linux-based firewall isn’t FOSS?
In reply to @hybridsarcasm:matrix.org
What Linux-based firewall isn’t FOSS?
Sophos XG
@filanto:matrix.orgFilantoThey love $$$$$$$$ I have the home version though13:46:08
@filanto:matrix.orgFilantoI'd go back to OPNSense if they remove the home version. Thankfully they're not as nasty as Broadcom to the little guy13:49:56
@torched_esc:jupiterbroadcasting.comTorched_ESC (Jeff)
In reply to @thegreatape:matrix.org
Hi everyone, I was listening to todays chat and saw that https://colonyevents.com/ was a thing! I'm in arizona in the phoenix area and was wondering if anyone was near there and wanted to meet up? Is this the "right room" for that?
If you don't see one made for your area and want to organize it, please do! As for which room? This is a good spot, the general JB chat room is pretty active as well.
@swelch:matrix.orgID_ENGJust listening to the recent show. In my experience Veeam is used in many Medium to Large, companies that I've worked with. All have used it with VMWare, so interesting to see it support ProxMox.14:54:19
@thegreatape:matrix.orgthegreatape I'll try to get some intel on where would be a good location to host it and make the event later today 🫡 I've never done one of these and figured I'm probably in an area where other linux users are. I hope so anyways. I suppose we'll find out once the event is made! I just have to see where to host it. 19:23:10
@torched_esc:jupiterbroadcasting.comTorched_ESC (Jeff)Sweet! Your Sacramento area? I forget user names from time to time haha19:28:10
@thegreatape:matrix.orgthegreatapeOh I'm in the phoenix AZ area actually. I actually just made a matrix account last night to post about this :P19:34:15
@torched_esc:jupiterbroadcasting.comTorched_ESC (Jeff)Oh right. I thought I was in a different chat. Lol 20:04:48
@canony:canony.xyz@canony:canony.xyz left the room.21:06:10
@alexinthis:matrix.orgalexinthis joined the room.21:40:36


Event created!

10 Dec 2024
@alexinthis:matrix.orgalexinthisDid anyone else try out netboot.xyz after the latest episode? How did you go getting it running? 00:54:55
@hex210:matrix.orghex210 joined the room.02:44:15
@strit:matrix.orgDan Johansen
In reply to @alexinthis:matrix.org
Did anyone else try out netboot.xyz after the latest episode? How did you go getting it running?
I did try to get it running, but I can't add stuff to my routers dhcp server config, so can't get the pxe thing going, which was the whole point. I had the webui functioning though.
@bobby12t:matrix.orgbobby12t joined the room.09:29:24
@yagoo39:matrix.org@yagoo39:matrix.org joined the room.10:01:25
@yagoo39:matrix.org@yagoo39:matrix.org left the room.10:01:46
@gary_uk:matrix.orggaryI tried it in the past but the whole customisation journey with ansible was too much.... I run iVentoy which has some super weird quirks but works well. 17:43:26
@xorsirenz:unredacted.orgxorsirenz changed their profile picture.19:38:19
@xorsirenz:unredacted.orgxorsirenz changed their profile picture.19:39:34
@beekr:matrix.org@beekr:matrix.org left the room.20:06:21
11 Dec 2024
@sharonne:matrix.orgsharonne joined the room.06:50:28
@tuckerm:matrix.orgTucker McKnight joined the room.08:10:30

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