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16 Sep 2024
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherine we should do raise ConnectionError(...) from layout_err 17:16:10
@vegard_e:matrix.orgzypin 0.6, we'd suppress it and give a deprecation warning17:17:14
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherine in the reference-level explanation, it might make more sense to explain it in terms of what's accepted, not what's rejected 17:19:12
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherinethe current wording is kind of confusing17:19:19
@vegard_e:matrix.orgzypI figured since the RFC proposes to reject things that were accepted before, listing the rejections makes it more clear what is changing, and then the documentation afterwards are written in terms of what's accepted17:21:33
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherineI'm fine with it either way really17:22:07
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherineanything else? we did have a point from Wanda on it increasing language (stdlib, I guess) complexity, which is true17:22:28
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherinewithout necessarily structuring the complexity well17:22:45
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherineI feel that at some point we'll have to rethink the existing ValueCastable/ShapeCastable system a bit, in a largely-backwards-compatible way, to make it more nicely structured, but I also don't feel like we're at that point yet17:23:35
@mwkmwkmwk:matrix.orgWanda I'm fine with this RFC as long as the enum thing is fixed to accept any ValueCastable with the same shape 17:24:18

how do I word it?

If other is a ValueCastable, reject the assignment if self.shape() != other.shape()
something like that?

@vegard_e:matrix.orgzyp *

how do I word it?

If other is a ValueCastable, reject the assignment if self.shape() != other.shape()

something like that?

@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherine Wanda? 17:30:51
@mwkmwkmwk:matrix.orgWandayeah looks good17:31:01
@vegard_e:matrix.orgzypI'm happy with that change17:32:19
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherineokay, please respond with your disposition for RFC #73: merge or close17:33:12
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherinemine is merge17:33:14
@whitequark:matrix.orgCatherinedisposition on RFC 73: merge17:55:05
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [rfcs] whitequark commented on pull request #73: Add RFC for stricter connections. - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rfcs/pull/73#issuecomment-2353557025 17:56:14
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [amaranth] zyp opened issue #1511: Tracking issue for RFC 73: Stricter connections. - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/issues/1511 18:00:56
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [rfcs] whitequark closed pull request #73: Add RFC for stricter connections. - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rfcs/pull/73 18:06:11
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [amaranth-lang/rfcs] whitequark pushed 5 commits to main [+2/-0/±3] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rfcs/compare/4352e0d663e3...2979ebfbefe6 18:06:13
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [amaranth-lang/rfcs] zyp b2c2204 - RFC #73: Stricter connections. 18:06:14
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [amaranth-lang/rfcs] zyp d195662 - RFC #73: Use `Layout.cast()` when checking for matching layouts. 18:06:16
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [amaranth-lang/rfcs] zyp d660bfc - RFC #73: Add checks to `lib.enum` too. 18:06:17
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [amaranth-lang/rfcs] ... and 2 more commits. 18:06:19
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [rfcs] whitequark commented on pull request #73: Add RFC for stricter connections. - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rfcs/pull/73#issuecomment-2353575763 18:06:21
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark pushed 1 commit to main [+1/-0/±57] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io/compare/67c0cb495ef4...8841c9ad346b 18:06:37
@libera__whitenotifier-1:catircservices.org_whitenotifier-1 [amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 8841c9a - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/rfcs@2979ebfbefe6c9b64f48696b1d4d3ca2c402a91e 🚀 18:06:38

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