1 Dec 2024 |
| @mariguerraat:matrix.org joined the room. | 19:07:29 |
2 Dec 2024 |
| @haski888:matrix.org joined the room. | 05:45:48 |
| @haski888:matrix.org left the room. | 05:47:46 |
| Amandine (away - back 7th Jan) changed their display name from Amandine to Amandine (away). | 08:58:49 |
| Danielle 🎄 changed their display name from Danielle 📵 to Danielle 🎄. | 09:56:03 |
| nikita69 joined the room. | 10:01:42 |
| @friedlieb:matrix.org left the room. | 13:01:23 |
| @timat:matrix.org joined the room. | 15:05:35 |
| @sharonne:matrix.org joined the room. | 17:13:40 |
| Matthew changed their display name from Matthew to Matthew 🍔. | 17:23:43 |
| Administrator banned @sharonne:matrix.org (spam). | 17:23:55 |
| Matthew changed their display name from Matthew 🍔 to Matthew. | 19:26:18 |
3 Dec 2024 |
| TangoBravo-14 joined the room. | 01:01:30 |
TangoBravo-14 | trying to get the wife to start using Element. Her biggest complaint is the way the forward facing camera appears backwards while video calling. Is that able to be changed to more of a mirror operation? | 02:56:27 |
| @mariguerraat:matrix.org left the room. | 06:14:26 |
| Kieran changed their display name from Kieran (Back Tuesday) to Kieran. | 09:24:23 |
| @tarheie:tchncs.de joined the room. | 09:49:29 |
| @tarheie:tchncs.de left the room. | 09:50:30 |
| @blocboyy:matrix.org joined the room. | 11:43:42 |
| pr1cher joined the room. | 12:02:36 |
| Administrator banned @blocboyy:matrix.org (spam). | 12:10:49 |
| Matthew changed their display name from Matthew to Matthew 🍔. | 17:19:58 |
| @i0122:envs.net joined the room. | 17:10:17 |
| Matthew changed their display name from Matthew 🍔 to Matthew. | 18:14:26 |
| @i0122:envs.net left the room. | 17:13:12 |
| @mark_great:matrix.org joined the room. | 19:14:51 |
| Administrator banned @mark_great:matrix.org (spam). | 19:14:57 |
| @timat:matrix.org left the room. | 22:23:40 |
4 Dec 2024 |
| @yuri2303:matrix.org joined the room. | 08:31:40 |
@yuri2303:matrix.org | Hello, where can i find the recovery key?
Cause it asks me on Element X app to add it | 08:32:08 |