
Riot iOS

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Riot/iOS, matrix-ios-kit and matrix-ios-sdk discussion | https://itunes.apple.com/app/riot-open-source-collaboration/id1083446067 | TestFlight build: https://testflight.apple.com/join/lCeTuDKM478 Servers

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25 Dec 2019
@aaron:raim.istAaron Rbesconix: Tap on the room name at the top of the screen and then tap on the thing that says members22:21:06
@aaron:matrix.orgaaron besconix: like in iMessage, if you click the title, you can go see the details including users. 22:21:15
@aaron:matrix.orgaaron If you tap the arrow it goes right to the member list. 22:21:40
In reply to @aaron:raim.ist
besconix: Tap on the room name at the top of the screen and then tap on the thing that says members

Yes, I do know that the list of room members can be seen over the room settings, but it doesn't show which ones are the mods... or maybe it does show, but I have to check for the list of members one by one to know (which could be tedious). @aaron

Anyway Mr. @matthew have answered this question over Matrix HQ, and have been told my client must have a bug as the order for mods and "normal" members are not in order

@besconix:matrix.orgbesconix *
In reply to @aaron:raim.ist
besconix: Tap on the room name at the top of the screen and then tap on the thing that says members

Yes, I do know that the list of room members can be seen over the room settings, but it doesn't show which ones are the mods... or maybe it does show, but I have to check for the list of members one by one to know (which could be tedious especially for rooms which has over a thousand members). @aaron

Anyway Mr. @matthew have answered this question over Matrix HQ, and have been told my client must have a bug as the order for mods and "normal" members are not in order

@besconix:matrix.orgbesconix *
In reply to @aaron:raim.ist
besconix: Tap on the room name at the top of the screen and then tap on the thing that says members

Yes, I do know that the list of room members can be seen over the room settings, but it doesn't show which ones are the mods... or maybe it does show, but I have to check for the list of members one by one to know (which could be tedious especially for rooms which has over a thousand members). @aaron

Anyway Mr. @matthew have answered this question over Matrix HQ channel, and have been told my client must have a bug as the order for mods and "normal" members are not in order

@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew!github create "order membership list the same as riot/web" "i.e. power levels go first"22:26:58
@_neb_github:matrix.orgGithubNeed to specify repo. Usage: !github create [owner/repo] "issue title" "description"22:26:59
@aaron:matrix.orgaaron Oh yea, I don’t think mods have been in order for a year or so? 22:27:09
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew!github create "order membership list the same as riot/web" "i.e. power levels go first"22:27:34
@_neb_github:matrix.orgGithubCreated issue: https://github.com/vector-im/riot-ios/issues/289122:27:35
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew(this is why cross-posting is bad; it duplicates answers and wastes folks' time)22:28:08
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
!github create "order membership list the same as riot/web" "i.e. power levels go first"
In reply to @matthew:matrix.org
(this is why cross-posting is bad; it duplicates answers and wastes folks' time)
I'm sorry, I realized only after posting over Matrix HQ that this room would have been a better suited channel for that question
@besconix:matrix.orgbesconix *
In reply to @aaron:raim.ist
besconix: Tap on the room name at the top of the screen and then tap on the thing that says members

Yes, I do know that the list of room members can be seen over the room settings, but it doesn't show which ones are the mods... or maybe it does show, but I have to check for the list of members one by one to know (which could be tedious especially for rooms which has over a thousand members). @aaron

Anyway Mr. @matthew has answered this question over Matrix HQ channel, and have been told my client must have a bug as the order for mods and "normal" members are not in order

26 Dec 2019
@jnaeff:matrix.orgjnaeff joined the room.14:18:06
@jekaterina:sibnsk.netjekaterina joined the room.15:24:59
@Tantin:matrix.orgTantin joined the room.17:41:00
@glenoid:matrix.orgglenoidHi, anyone noticed that new Memoji on iOS 13, when send on Dark Mode, are still on white anoying background when viewed on Desktop App (v1.5.6)?18:05:12
Download ima_a89322e.jpeg
@glenoid:matrix.orgglenoid(it is the same when viewed on iOS device)18:07:08
@glenoid:matrix.orgglenoidAnd on the Dark Mode Subject, Dark Mode is Auto-recognized on my iMac macOS 10.15.2, but not Auto-Recognized on my iPhone iOS 13.318:09:09
@glenoid:matrix.orgglenoidHave nice New Years Day, refill yourself before continuing developing this great App I hope will be soon fully developed to be advertized to my family (I'm really looking for an alernative to their crap WA...)18:10:41
@aaron:raim.istAaron RI don't think there is anything that can be done to make it not have a white background. That's provided by the OS, it's not a transparent image.18:10:54
@aaron:raim.istAaron R * I don't think there is anything that can be done to make it not have a white background. That image is provided by the OS, it's not a transparent image.18:11:03
@glenoid:matrix.orgglenoidok, I understand, it is on black background on iOS or macOS, I don't know how they do that?18:14:15
@glenoid:matrix.orgglenoidSo the background is adapating on "Messages" from Apple, but not when used through Riot18:17:05
@aaron:raim.istAaron R On iMessage it is being sent with a transparent background 18:26:12
@aaron:raim.istAaron RI'm not sure if there is a way for developers to tell iOS to send Memoji using transparent background to other apps18:27:17

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