

125 Members
Patch your shiz people | I would walk 500 miles! 🐡 https://matrix.to/#/!pKgHLFCEORYdDgndcZ:matrix.org/$1489503606135298POafD:matrix.org | Yes we are a bad influence!36 Servers

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16 Jun 2020
@noway:chat.weho.stnoway joined the room.22:02:03
20 Jun 2020
@alfred:hackerspaces.bealfred 19:42:10
22 Jun 2020
@ida:bau-ha.us@ida:bau-ha.us 21:58:52
20 Jun 2020
@karol:kde.orgkarol 21:37:26
28 Jun 2020
@orbb:matrix.org@orbb:matrix.org left the room.16:26:42
2 Jul 2020
@johannes:netzgemeinde.eu@johannes:netzgemeinde.eu 21:56:33
4 Jul 2020
@desmond:riotchat.de@desmond:riotchat.de 18:33:45
5 Jul 2020
@sterni:feneas.org@sterni:feneas.org 15:58:29
7 Jul 2020
@ronald:perthchat.org@ronald:perthchat.org 20:37:23
8 Jul 2020
@stefan:matrix.allmende.iostefan joined the room.22:03:17
9 Jul 2020
@mntr0:matrix.org@mntr0:matrix.org changed their display name from mntr0 to mntr0 (janny for jesus).06:54:18
10 Jul 2020
@qbit:suah.dev@qbit:suah.dev 13:29:21
@qbit:suah.dev@qbit:suah.dev 13:37:50
@qbit:suah.dev@qbit:suah.dev 13:38:51
@qbit:suah.dev@qbit:suah.dev set their display name to qbit.13:39:40
12 Jul 2020
@toralf:tchncs.detoralf 08:15:37
13 Jul 2020
@nikolai:sibnsk.net@nikolai:sibnsk.net 22:03:53
23 Jul 2020
@qbit:suah.dev@qbit:suah.dev 12:55:57
24 Jul 2020
@rnemo:pintobyte.comsnemo changed their display name from rnemo to snemo.18:29:33
25 Jul 2020
@emil:nitro.chatemil joined the room.22:23:02
29 Jul 2020
@donald:hope.net@donald:hope.net joined the room.20:43:26
30 Jul 2020
@amal:diasp.inamal 07:16:09
31 Jul 2020
@christoph:fairydust.space@christoph:fairydust.space joined the room.23:46:17
2 Aug 2020
@emma:halogen.city@emma:halogen.city joined the room.10:33:53
3 Aug 2020
@kader:poddery.comkader joined the room.18:40:22
@nemela:utwente.io@nemela:utwente.io joined the room.18:40:57
@kader:poddery.comkader 19:25:45
7 Aug 2020
@stefan:asra.grstefan 11:18:17
8 Aug 2020
@erbse:synod.im@erbse:synod.im joined the room.09:00:39
10 Aug 2020
@conrad:converser.euconrad 20:40:52

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