
GrapheneOS Development

2327 Members
Official GrapheneOS development chat room. Join the #community:grapheneos.org space for a list of all the rooms. Formerly known as CopperheadOS. Please avoid discussing CalyxOS in these rooms.171 Servers

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26 Jul 2024
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <its2ez4luigi:discord> The location service is working again. Restarting the phone fixed it. 10:23:26
@dandelionflowers:matrix.orgdandelionflowers joined the room.11:02:44
In reply to @unibombz:matrix.org
sent an image.
is this anything to be concerned about after restart/boot?
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <ayaen.:discord> this isnt the right channel. please use #ID:1176434642421821491 #ID:1176434723430608916 #ID:1176414688112820237 (re @its2ez4luigi: Need help my Google maps stopped working today. It cant find my location at all no apps that have the location option works for me. This happened today.) 11:53:10
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <its2ez4luigi:discord> OK I didn't know. Thanks (re @ayaen.: this isnt the right channel. please use <#1176434642421821491> <#1176434723430608916> <#1176414688112820237>) 11:54:29
@kotovalexarian0:matrix.org@kotovalexarian0:matrix.org left the room.13:17:58
@securitybrahh:arcticfoxes.netsecuritybrahh joined the room.12:38:57
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS BridgeRedacted or Malformed Event14:30:47
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <hybridstaticanimate:discord>


@nava1992004:matrix.orgJee KeyWhy isn't a crescent available if I install grapheneos app store on non grapheneos devices?17:35:02
@nava1992004:matrix.orgJee Key* Why isn't accrescent available if I install grapheneos app store on non grapheneos devices?17:35:28
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <cooler_hulk:discord> check the App Store version 17:35:34
@nava1992004:matrix.orgJee Key
In reply to @grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.org
<cooler_hulk:discord> check the App Store version
Version 24
@nava1992004:matrix.orgJee KeyIt is same on gos device too?17:36:57
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <cooler_hulk:discord> yes, version 24 17:38:01
@palkaut:matrix.org@palkaut:matrix.org left the room.17:40:24
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <ten102411_50755:discord> Hello, are you developer? (re @cooler_hulk: yes, version 24) 17:48:01
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <cooler_hulk:discord> hello, i am hulk, not a developer 17:48:20
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <ten102411_50755:discord> I am really sorry (re @cooler_hulk: hello, i am hulk, not a developer) 17:48:36
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <ten102411_50755:discord> I am looking for developer 17:48:45
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <cooler_hulk:discord> if you have questions about GrapheneOS, I may be able to help you in the #ID:1176414688112820237 chat 17:49:02
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <ten102411_50755:discord> thx (re @cooler_hulk: if you have questions about GrapheneOS, I may be able to help you in the <#1176414688112820237> chat) 17:49:18
@crystals:omada.cafeCrystals joined the room.20:58:35
27 Jul 2024
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <src0:discord> What do you want to ask a developer? (re @ten102411_50755: thx) 00:43:02
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <hybridstaticanimate:discord>

ID:1176434642421821491 (re @src0: What do you want to ask a developer?)

@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <src0:discord> Their question could be related to #ID:1176434710499557486. 00:47:32
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <hybridstaticanimate:discord> It was already directed and discussed in #ID:1176414688112820237 00:48:36
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <src0:discord> Ahh, okay. My bad. 00:49:14
@nava1992004:matrix.orgJee Key Hay devs a request is it possible for you people to make accrescent visible on all devices irrespective of the os? 03:27:35
@nava1992004:matrix.orgJee KeyIn gos app store?03:28:01

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