26 Nov 2023 |
| lego_captain_chair | 02:13:02 |
| @pedocepe:matrix.org joined the room. | 02:35:31 |
| .minikam | 05:17:25 |
| Oshiewott 🦦 | 06:26:24 |
| misha | 06:43:00 |
| lego_captain_chair | 09:12:05 |
| misha changed their profile picture. | 09:20:55 |
| tinkersaint | 11:41:21 |
| Unown | 17:06:09 |
| .chriskun | 17:55:28 |
| @pedocepe:matrix.org set a profile picture. | 18:12:51 |
| mettlord3ooo changed their profile picture. | 19:55:57 |
| finley2935 | 20:30:00 |
27 Nov 2023 |
| naztrya | 00:32:26 |
| goji1954. joined the room. | 02:59:15 |
| straightouttacosmos | 03:35:41 |
| Turtwig | 04:02:44 |
| Mystery | 04:47:36 |
| Oshiewott 🦦 | 06:44:42 |
| pieplup | 14:04:14 |
| mettlord3ooo | 14:55:04 |
| xavior7969 | 15:04:15 |
| Rotom | 17:16:21 |
| fluffywings joined the room. | 17:29:45 |
| Matrix | 17:40:51 |
9 Dec 2023 |
| @lawkkkj:matrix.org joined the room. | 13:50:14 |
| @lawkkkj:matrix.org left the room. | 13:52:30 |
11 Dec 2023 |
| @69donald:matrix.org joined the room. | 16:01:34 |
| @69donald:matrix.org left the room. | 16:49:29 |
15 Oct 2024 |
| @pedocepe:matrix.org left the room. | 08:37:00 |