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11 Aug 2022
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich * So Metals should install bloop and then bloop loads the gradle and does its magic and creates the bloop files. 22:13:22
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich Normally if you quit vscode and then reopen the project, Metals can do its thing and it should work. You can delete all the metals and bloop stuff and try again but if either of those don't work then I suggest asking in the Metals forum. Ok, I don't think you should have to manually call anything though but I am not a Gradle person. 22:16:58
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich It bootstrapped its own gradle - wow, weird. 22:17:53
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich Gosh, I wish people/corps would do more upgrading. 22:18:43
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich Glad you figured it out - maybe just talking it through 🙂 22:19:31
12 Aug 2022
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 We do boostrap our own gradle, but you can replace the gradle used in the Metals settings. I wonder whether we should try to pick up gradlew scripts if they are in the current workspace 🤔 10:10:25
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 tha tmight be a good improvement\ 10:10:32
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 * that might be a good improvement 10:10:40
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 kylejmcintyre please report it in the Metals issues if you feel anything can be improved 10:11:09
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 actualyl nevermind, we do try to resolve gradlew in the workspace directory 10:12:17
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 we could try and find gradle on PATH though 10:12:29
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.iotgodzik#4885 although if your gradle is older then we might not be able to setup Scala 3 for example 🤔 10:12:57
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich It is a tough one. 16:39:57
17 Aug 2022
@_discord_590413518466056192:t2bot.ioLight#4883 changed their display name from Light to Light#4883.21:50:18
20 Aug 2022
@_discord_115134128717955080:t2bot.ioArraying changed their display name from Arraying to Arraying#7363.17:23:01
@_discord_115134128717955080:t2bot.ioArraying changed their display name from Arraying#7363 to Arraying.17:23:13
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich I am sure that could help someone else. 23:55:38
21 Aug 2022
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.ioYandexTan changed their display name from Potatoe[F[_]] to Potatoe[F[_]]#8651.08:09:45
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.ioYandexTan changed their display name from Potatoe[F[_]]#8651 to Potatoe[F[_]].08:09:48
22 Aug 2022
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@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime ok, everyine should stop raising PRs and issues 06:52:44
@_discord_632195619988963348:t2bot.iockipp01#8775 no when you do a bloop test it will compile what it needs to 06:54:41
@nrktkt:matrix.orgnrktkt changed the join rule to "restricted" from "restricted".18:24:15
@tobiasroeser:matrix.orgTobias Roeser joined the room.19:11:14
25 Aug 2022
@_discord_999331571041587301:t2bot.ioFaizan changed their display name from Faizan to Faizan#0806.17:47:14
@_discord_999331571041587301:t2bot.ioFaizan changed their display name from Faizan#0806 to Faizan.17:47:28
27 Aug 2022
@_discord_387435475142705152:t2bot.iojungle_hacker69 changed their display name from zebos to zebos#7602.10:46:16
@_discord_387435475142705152:t2bot.iojungle_hacker69 changed their display name from zebos#7602 to zebos.10:46:18
29 Aug 2022
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.ioYandexTan changed their display name from Potatoe[F[_]] to Potatoe[F[_]]#8651.11:30:35
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.ioYandexTan changed their display name from Potatoe[F[_]]#8651 to Potatoe[F[_]].11:30:43

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