
Scala Jobs

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18 Oct 2023
@_discord_427184389584060416:t2bot.ioAlex | ScalaJobs.com GrapheneDB is hiring a Senior Scala Engineer to work on graph databases as a service

Location: Remote UTC+0 to UTC+3

4 day work week

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@_discord_750453990151684127:t2bot.iogeirolz changed their display name from Geirolz to geirolz#0.10:51:47
@_discord_750453990151684127:t2bot.iogeirolz changed their display name from geirolz#0 to geirolz.10:51:50
19 Oct 2023
Download image.png
@_discord_721474407935246456:t2bot.iosom-snytt Ah, I read it as "content/commas role". That would have been in my wheelhouse. 01:01:04
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_316762215975878666:t2bot.ioAlexITC 03:29:55
@_discord_316762215975878666:t2bot.ioAlexITC 03:29:57
@_discord_316762215975878666:t2bot.ioAlexITC Etsy? 03:29:58
@_discord_89507544619315200:t2bot.ioderya changed their display name from derya to derya#0.21:38:28
@_discord_89507544619315200:t2bot.ioderya changed their profile picture.21:39:03
@_discord_89507544619315200:t2bot.ioderya changed their display name from derya#0 to derya.21:43:39
22 Oct 2023
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue you could also try the monthly jobs thread on the Scala Reddit 01:37:15
@_discord_496522507113857024:t2bot.iojulian.a.avar.cRedacted or Malformed Event13:40:06
@_discord_496522507113857024:t2bot.iojulian.a.avar.c https://tenor.com/view/emotions-spiritedaway-noface-wave-gif-4347416 19:19:31
24 Oct 2023
@_discord_255141202347687937:t2bot.iowhiteturq 19:11:38
25 Oct 2023
@_discord_264442795245174785:t2bot.iolafeychine changed their display name from Vincent Lafeychine to lafeychine.13:35:17
26 Oct 2023
@_discord_213494046864179210:t2bot.ioprogamermatt changed their display name from pgm to progamermatt.15:15:17
@_discord_555410434887516174:t2bot.iored2green changed their display name from red2green#0 to red2green.18:31:13
27 Oct 2023
@_discord_140207550816714752:t2bot.iotxdv 06:36:28
@_discord_632195619988963348:t2bot.ioChris Kipp 06:40:01
29 Oct 2023
@_discord_840147810765766656:t2bot.iocu4381 changed their display name from cu4381#0 to cu4381.23:32:41
1 Nov 2023
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.iopotatoef changed their profile picture.16:21:39
@_discord_410734557067739136:t2bot.ioMehdi domschoen are you open to full remote? 19:24:24
2 Nov 2023
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue when I was involved with hiring, we would offer candidates a take-home challenge if they felt they had no other code they could bring in. but we made it clear that the preferred choice was to bring in some code they already had, that they would enjoy showing us and discussing with us 15:59:01
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue and that was partly because we felt it was unreasonable to demand people spend time on an arbitrary challenge, and partly because we actually would rather look at code they actually cared about and had chosen to show us, as more informative 16:01:12
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue * when I was involved with hiring (at multiple shops), we would offer candidates a take-home challenge if they felt they had no other code they could bring in. but we made it clear that the preferred choice was to bring in some code they already had, that they would enjoy showing us and discussing with us 16:01:23
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue so yeah, I think what you're describing reflects poorly on the company, but it might be a common enough practice that you can't afford to consider it a dealbreaker in every case, if you want the job enough? 🤷 16:03:03
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue it might be a bureaucratic requirement from above that doesn't reflect the atmosphere on the team you'd actually be working on. (but if there is one such requirement, you can suspect there will be others...) 16:04:40
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue * it might be a bureaucratic requirement from above that doesn't reflect the atmosphere on the team you'd actually be working on. (but if there is one such example of bureaucratic nonsense already, you can suspect there will be others...) 16:04:57
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth I think this is the most important part - the company is acting unreasonably, can you afford to pass based on that 17:21:25

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