
Scala Jobs

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2 Nov 2023
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth * I think this is the most important part - the company is acting unreasonably but not in a completely destructive way, can you afford to pass based on that 17:21:49
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich#7695 I have had take home test that were totally unreasonable. Some seemed to be like trying to get free work - I declined to go further on more than one. Either way, tests should not need a build and dependencies and should be focused on the language and basic problem solving techniques. Actually, I did a take home test for Lightbend that I thought was totally reasonable but not easy to solve 100%. 19:17:58
@_discord_721474407935246456:t2bot.iosom-snytt I love the idea of disqualifying anyone whose time or work is valued such that they would spend a long day on a puzzle. (Though that is how I spend my days.) "Thank-you for participating, you did a great job, we must reject you. If only you had turned us down, we would have come running after you." 19:29:06
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth right? 19:44:15
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth also having done code tests before I am fully convinced they are in the best case a weak negative signal. You can sometimes tell when someone isn't worth hiring based on a code test, but there are many people not worth hiring who pass them, and people who pass them aren't necessarily good for the job 19:45:11
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth I think it's a case of people doing "measure what is easy because measuring what matters is intractible" 19:45:39
3 Nov 2023
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@_discord_721474407935246456:t2bot.iosom-snytt Your way forward at that point. 00:06:06
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth I feel like it's important to frame the question from step 1 in a way where "no" isn't a scary answer to give 13:45:21
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth I think stuff I've said before is something like, "I'd like you to talk us through a project you've worked on as though we're new contributors and need to understand how it works. If you have a project you could show us code for, that would work well, otherwise we can do whiteboarding" 13:46:10
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth something like that 13:46:13
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth I've never noticed someone be anxious about it 🤷 13:46:27
@_discord_721474407935246456:t2bot.iosom-snytt "new contributors" -> I'm still angry about the Cisco interview where the guy said write something maintainable and the feedback was that it meant javadoc. So I'm opposed to using "code words" in interviews as "bad faith". Alternatively, interviewers prefer applicants who look, speak, and type at a keyboard respectively write on a whiteboard as they do. Requirements should just ask vi or emacs, tabs or spaces, and hire on that basis. 15:13:52
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth huh? 15:14:57
@_discord_721474407935246456:t2bot.iosom-snytt I made my clarification less anecdotal. 18:58:39
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue still with a swerve into poesy at the end though 🙂 22:04:55
4 Nov 2023
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth ok with the edit I can understand now.

Yeah, totally agree. That's why I called out that I didn't notice it, as opposed to saying something like "no one has been anxious about it"
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth thankfully I've never had a hand in making a hiring process 00:24:57
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth since I have no idea how to do it right 00:25:01
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.iodaenyth only observations about how all the ones I've used are bad 00:25:16
@_discord_721474407935246456:t2bot.iosom-snyttRedacted or Malformed Event03:30:08
@_discord_766348036560912444:t2bot.ioMike I turn away jobs that require more than a live coding test. I think I even state it in my LI profile, to draw the line first. Even the take-homes that I've been told will take 2 hours or 5 hours end up taking 10 or more, because I want it to represent my work. I used to do them, and now I have a small collection of solutions in my GitHub. So I point people to those instead.

I also think it's good to do small toy projects on your own time just to try out new tools. So you end up with some sample projects that way, too. And I believe that all of those should be full mini-projects, with build systems and test suites, to show your point-of-view on how projects should look. You only have to do it once or a few times.

And I've been able to get offers even while taking that stance. But like Seth wrote, it depends on what your needs are; it's not a sellers market rn.

We've been hiring in Argentina and have been told by our recruiters there that we can't ask candidates to do take-homes, because they're not used to that.

It always seemed to me to be a detrimental bias for the company, because the candidates who have time to do such tests are the ones who are unemployed.
5 Nov 2023
@_discord_766348036560912444:t2bot.ioMike Employers don't care about the composition of the market. They generally seem to want candidates who are employed or were in the past six months. After that, it seems like they assume there's something wrong with you that you haven't been hired yet. 16:45:58
7 Nov 2023
@_discord_961610591108223037:t2bot.ioElisha-SwissBorg-Hiring Hiring at SwissBorg - Senior Scala Engineer

100% remote / Europe / B2B contract

Must have an interest in the industry: Crypto/Blockchain/Web3

APPLY HERE: https://jobs.lever.co/swissborg/3ee017ae-ced2-42f8-b21a-6d9a17ef0d7c

Sadly we are not accepting applicants in France, Germany or Netherlands currently.
10 Nov 2023
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue monthly jobs thread on Scala Reddit. (I intend to start posting it here every month) https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/17lfe1a/who_is_hiring_monthly_rscala_job_postings_thread/ 18:29:35
13 Nov 2023
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime I have an idea for a new ScalaCenter financing strategy.. 11:34:21
@_discord_936395565154054144:t2bot.ioeje changed their display name from eje to eje4073.18:30:41
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue SME = ...subject matter expert? 21:11:21
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue or something something engineer 🤔 21:11:39
14 Nov 2023
@_discord_410734557067739136:t2bot.ioMehdi Hello everyone, i'm looking for a new role, i have 11 years experience in total, 8 years experience in Scala (FP) and Ops in general (docker, kubernetes, gitlab, ansible, aws ...) , i'm based in France and don't mind working remotely with firms abroad, i'm still working remotely with a French company (permanent contract), but i'm starting to look for new opportunities. 11:27:58

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