
Scala Jobs

439 Members
4 Servers

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7 Jul 2023
@_discord_897948357266403338:t2bot.iozachiah#0 changed their profile picture.17:43:28
8 Jul 2023
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue https://fosstodon.org/@jobsfordevelopers@mastodon.world/110672689505794666 03:28:28
9 Jul 2023
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.iopotatoef changed their display name from potatoef to potatoef#0.06:31:54
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.iopotatoef changed their display name from potatoef#0 to potatoef.06:32:02
11 Jul 2023
@_discord_796784095350095933:t2bot.iojaivine changed their display name from Jai Vine#1129 to jaivine#0.12:25:39
@_discord_796784095350095933:t2bot.iojaivine changed their display name from jaivine#0 to jaivine.12:25:42
@_discord_796784095350095933:t2bot.iojaivine Hey all - I am looking for Scala Developers based in the Netherlands to work for a Green energy tech platform. The stack is Scala/Akka/ZIO and salaries range from €70k-€90k.

Will consider relocators holding European passports (ie no sponsorship), but ideal candidate would already be based in the Netherlands.

If you are interested drop me an email with your CV/LinkedIn profile 🙂

12 Jul 2023
@_discord_228527523976314881:t2bot.ioarainko changed their display name from arainko to arainko#0.20:36:05
@_discord_228527523976314881:t2bot.ioarainko changed their display name from arainko#0 to arainko.20:36:12
13 Jul 2023
@_discord_839723269250875422:t2bot.iomtomko changed their display name from mtomko to mtomko#0.21:05:42
@_discord_839723269250875422:t2bot.iomtomko changed their display name from mtomko#0 to mtomko.21:05:44
15 Jul 2023
@_discord_203167342526464000:t2bot.ioPaweł changed their display name from Paweł to pawlik_#0.11:46:55
@_discord_203167342526464000:t2bot.ioPaweł changed their display name from pawlik_#0 to Paweł.11:47:09
17 Jul 2023
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue can you make it more obvious what the Scala relevance is, please? 13:10:38
@_discord_549420670795120643:t2bot.iolesserspottedbambi changed their display name from Lesser Spotted Bambi to lesserspottedbambi#0.17:06:57
@_discord_549420670795120643:t2bot.iolesserspottedbambi changed their display name from lesserspottedbambi#0 to lesserspottedbambi.17:06:59
18 Jul 2023
@_discord_765137066207477781:t2bot.iopix3lix changed their display name from pix3l#4889 to pix3lix#0.17:22:55
@_discord_765137066207477781:t2bot.iopix3lix [HIRING][Seattle, Washington, USA, Scala, Onsite / Remote]

🏢 Axon, based in Seattle, Washington 🇺🇸 is looking for a Software Engineer

🔧 Tech used: Scala, C, C#, Java, Golang

💰 115,000 - 145,000 USD / year

🔎 More details and option to apply: https://devitjobs.us/jobs/Axon-Software-Engineer/dgp
@_discord_765137066207477781:t2bot.iopix3lix changed their display name from pix3lix#0 to pix3lix.17:23:03
20 Jul 2023
@_discord_455808716046860298:t2bot.ioadamwarski changed their display name from adamw to adamwarski#0.12:42:28
@_discord_455808716046860298:t2bot.ioadamwarski changed their display name from adamwarski#0 to adamwarski.12:43:10
@_discord_387435475142705152:t2bot.iojungle_hacker69 changed their display name from zebos#7602 to jungle_hacker69#0.15:01:07
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich @moderator ☝️ 16:54:19
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue thanks — pix3lix I've deleted the post. care to clarify your intention in posting it? are you connected with the site that listed it? 16:56:38
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue * thank you, this is helpful. pix3lix I've deleted the post. care to clarify your intention in posting it? are you connected with the site that listed it? 16:56:48
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue I have no connection to Tesla, but I saw this and thought I'd share it here: https://www.tesla.com/careers/search/job/software-engineer-energy-charging-distributed-systems-iot-scala-akka-118016 21:12:23
21 Jul 2023
@_discord_100303131497222144:t2bot.iohugo_vr changed their display name from hugo_vrijswijk to hugo_vr#0.16:45:50
@_discord_100303131497222144:t2bot.iohugo_vr changed their display name from hugo_vr#0 to hugo_vr.16:45:55
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich I think Elon's company require onsite except for extremely talented performers. 20:06:33
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich * I think Elon's companies require onsite except for extremely talented performers. 20:06:46

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