
Scala Jobs

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14 Nov 2023
@_discord_734434444433293464:t2bot.ioatk91 changed their display name from atk91#0 to atk91.19:22:01
15 Nov 2023
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue please limit repeats to monthly, as per channel topic 00:04:26
@_discord_819540140334252073:t2bot.iojxnu_liguobin changed their profile picture.08:30:29
21 Nov 2023
@_discord_516779473983504406:t2bot.ioStewart Stewart ⭐⭐ changed their display name from stewSquared#7231 to Stewart Stewart ⭐⭐.17:02:12
22 Nov 2023
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue there's a proposal on the table to shorten the repeat-post window in this room from 1 month to 2 weeks. if you care one way or the other, say so on #admin please 19:33:40
23 Nov 2023
@_discord_516779473983504406:t2bot.ioStewart Stewart ⭐⭐ set a profile picture.20:41:17
28 Nov 2023
@_discord_305362010374406144:t2bot.iosteadhaven changed their display name from marouan28#0 to marouan28.12:18:26
@_discord_902417901972258868:t2bot.iokagaku2340 changed their display name from kagaku to kagaku2340.20:37:26
29 Nov 2023
@_discord_427184389584060416:t2bot.ioAlex | ScalaJobs.com I am looking for junior / mid-level Scala Engineers in the UK.

Remote role, must be based in the UK

Salary range: 40K - 75K GBP

Tech stack: Functional Programming / Typelevel / Cats

Great team with a very strong Engineering culture. Can personally vouch for them!

Drop me a DM or an email at alex@scalajobs.dev if you're interested!
30 Nov 2023
@_discord_736256129323106384:t2bot.iovazand 08:41:12
2 Dec 2023
@_discord_89507544619315200:t2bot.ioderya changed their profile picture.00:07:36
3 Dec 2023
@_discord_510415959480336393:t2bot.iopotatoef changed their profile picture.08:38:56
4 Dec 2023
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue regardless, the job market is tough right now. it's a bit hard to separate out any possible Scala-specific toughness from the general toughness 18:59:07
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue as for me, I've been writing pro-Scala-3 polemics for years 😄 19:00:06
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue the Scala 3 adoption curve seems pretty similar to me the adoption curves for 2.13, 2.12, 2.11, 2.10, ... maybe a bit slower because the jump is a bit bigger overall, but not drastically slower. big orgs have always been slow to move 19:06:23
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue * the Scala 3 adoption curve seems pretty similar to me to the adoption curves for 2.13, 2.12, 2.11, 2.10, ... maybe a bit slower because the jump is a bit bigger overall, but not drastically slower. big orgs have always been slow to move 19:06:38
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich Excited to see the Release Notes for Spark here. https://spark.apache.org/releases/spark-release-3-5-0.html Excerpt:

>Removals, Behavior Changes and Deprecations
Upcoming Removal

The following features will be removed in the next Spark major release

Support for Java 8 and Java 11, and the minimal supported Java version will be Java 17
Support for Scala 2.12, and the minimal supported Scala version will be 2.13
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich * Excited to see the Release Notes for Spark here. https://spark.apache.org/releases/spark-release-3-5-0.html Excerpt:

|Removals, Behavior Changes and Deprecations
Upcoming Removal

The following features will be removed in the next Spark major release

Support for Java 8 and Java 11, and the minimal supported Java version will be Java 17
Support for Scala 2.12, and the minimal supported Scala version will be 2.13
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich * Excited to see the Release Notes for Spark here. https://spark.apache.org/releases/spark-release-3-5-0.html Excerpt:

Removals, Behavior Changes and Deprecations
Upcoming Removal

The following features will be removed in the next Spark major release

Support for Java 8 and Java 11, and the minimal supported Java version will be Java 17
Support for Scala 2.12, and the minimal supported Scala version will be 2.13
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich Since they usually support versions max then - Scala 3 is coming. 19:10:31
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich * Since they usually support 2 versions max then - Scala 3 is coming. 19:10:42
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue niiiiice 19:14:26
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue I mean, I hope you're right about Scala 3 19:14:44
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue but regardless, niiiiiice on the droppping of JDK 8, JDK 11, and Scala 2.12 19:15:00
@_discord_583167330566275072:t2bot.iosethtisue I know you’re half joking, but I actually don’t know enough Spark to sort out the degrees of joking and serious here 19:58:56
9 Dec 2023
@_discord_316549337167560706:t2bot.iounarist 07:17:18
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_387435475142705152:t2bot.iojungle_hacker69 changed their display name from jungle_hacker69#0 to jungle_hacker69.16:30:38
13 Dec 2023
@_discord_145003276398624780:t2bot.ionafg Anyone have something I could do and get a few hundred dollars today? 21:01:55
@_discord_154558903290560512:t2bot.iojd557 where are all those NFT scammers when you need them? 21:11:17
@m:matrix.mahfoudh.orgDr. Dude
In reply to @_discord_145003276398624780:t2bot.io
Anyone have something I could do and get a few hundred dollars today?

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