
Astropy general

1108 Members
General discussion about astropy; please, make use of threads whenever possible in this channel.32 Servers

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10 Sep 2024
@slack_astropy_U07MGSBE60Y:openastronomy.orgJean Choppin de Janvry joined the room.19:01:04
@slack_astropy_U07MGSBE60Y:openastronomy.orgJean Choppin de Janvry set a profile picture.19:01:05
11 Sep 2024
@slack_astropy_U774ARTKR:openastronomy.orgpllim Inspired by other workspaces, I created a #astropets channel for pet owners in the Project. Enjoy! And please adhere to Astropy code of conduct (https://www.astropy.org/code_of_conduct.html). 14:00:14
12 Sep 2024
@slack_astropy_U07MLPX3SNM:openastronomy.orgPranita C joined the room.21:42:03
@slack_astropy_U07MLPX3SNM:openastronomy.orgPranita C set a profile picture.21:42:03
@slack_astropy_U07MLPX3SNM:openastronomy.orgPranita C changed their profile picture.21:42:05
13 Sep 2024
@slack_astropy_U07MBG6A59B:openastronomy.orgReshama S joined the room.22:48:34
@slack_astropy_U07MBG6A59B:openastronomy.orgReshama S set a profile picture.22:48:34
15 Sep 2024
@slack_astropy_U07MHAXEQ3V:openastronomy.orgDan McLachlan joined the room.17:24:49
@slack_astropy_U07MHAXEQ3V:openastronomy.orgDan McLachlan changed their display name from slack_astropy_U07MHAXEQ3V to Dan McLachlan.17:24:49
@slack_astropy_U07ML5X3VSQ:openastronomy.orgHumberto joined the room.20:53:34
@slack_astropy_U07ML5X3VSQ:openastronomy.orgHumberto changed their display name from slack_astropy_U07ML5X3VSQ to Humberto.20:53:34
@slack_astropy_U07ML5X3VSQ:openastronomy.orgHumberto set a profile picture.20:53:34
@slack_astropy_U07ML5X3VSQ:openastronomy.orgHumberto Mucho gusto, buenas tardes. Soy una persona jubilada, tengo 69 años, y, soy un apacionado de la ciencia. Vengo utilizando python, hace 3 años. Tengo muchas cosas en mi cabeza, no puedo llegar a su fin, por falta de tiempo, a veces, no termino algo y, empiezo algo nuevo, y asi. Espero ser parte del grupo, apoyar en todo lo que pueda. Pondre mi mayor esfuerzo en apoyar al grupo 21:08:27
16 Sep 2024
@slack_astropy_U07MPTUP02Y:openastronomy.orgEtienne Pellegrini joined the room.16:29:26
@slack_astropy_U07MPTUP02Y:openastronomy.orgEtienne Pellegrini set a profile picture.16:29:26
@slack_astropy_U79UXJ48Y:openastronomy.orggranttremblay Congratulations Astropy friends!!! https://aas.org/press/astropy-collaboration-receive-2025-berkeley-prize 16:48:40
@slack_astropy_U07MMDUAZ0B:openastronomy.orgMarvin Leal joined the room.16:49:51
@felipe_es:matrix.orgfelipe_es joined the room.17:54:31
@slack_astropy_U774ARTKR:openastronomy.orgpllim For completeness, STScI news release is at https://www.stsci.edu/contents/news-releases/2024/news-2024-401 19:05:48
@slack_astropy_U774ARTKR:openastronomy.orgpllim Related PR: https://github.com/astropy/astropy.github.com/pull/619 21:13:39
@slack_astropy_UK6RZ6C3S:openastronomy.orgDerek Homeier Facebook post for yet more completeness: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=938254048339314 21:57:40
@slack_astropy_U07ML5X3VSQ:openastronomy.orgHumberto Muchas gracias s todos Uds., por unirse al grupo 22:15:00
17 Sep 2024
@whl:matrix.orgwwhl joined the room.08:59:34
@slack_astropy_UAHGQNRTQ:openastronomy.orgManodeep Probably needs to be added to this page: https://www.astropy.org/team.html#awards 10:39:52
@slack_astropy_U774ARTKR:openastronomy.orgpllim Re: add to page -- Yes, that is the PR 619 linked above. 🙂 10:44:53
@slack_astropy_UAHGQNRTQ:openastronomy.orgManodeep Hahahaha - of course it is! 10:51:34
@slack_astropy_U07529085:openastronomy.orgastrofrog Is anyone here a core Python developer? (looking for a sponsor for a PEP) 13:30:04
@slack_astropy_U774ARTKR:openastronomy.orgpllim Might have better luck on the Python mailing list. 13:31:27
@slack_astropy_U774ARTKR:openastronomy.orgpllim Are you gonna propose a IRAF/Python merger? 13:31:52

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