
Bibliotheca Anonoma

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Bibliotheca Anonoma (Internet Folklife Research Organization) - bibanon.org - Subject: Just speak up if you have an archival or 4chan question, operators are on call  - https://trello.com/bibanon - https://wiki.bibanon.org - #bibanon-core for core discussion - #bibanon-ab for ArchiveBot, Discord: https://discord.com/invite/3jxxGDC79 Servers

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25 Apr 2024
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonNone of which have developed any expert theory on moderation at scale20:05:41
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonWell on the other hand the same could be said for policing across the world20:05:58
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@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonThey do it for free20:06:45
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@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonThe world with self moderation20:11:54
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e135x4iOPDU&t=34 The only good ending is to avoid the internet20:30:33
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoon> There is no salvation to be had from the Internet itself. You need to transcend dogma (i.e. popular opinion) and in the modern day it's as simple as just not having every single one of your thoughts put online. Sounds easy, but even I struggle with this despite having made my peace years ago.20:32:08
@zeeky:matrix.orgZeeky"the internet makes you stupid"20:44:21
@zeeky:matrix.orgZeekyat the same time, 90% of the worthwhile people i know off-line, i met on-line20:50:12
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonIf you really think about it. In an american suburban world, how else can you meet20:52:41
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonFor example with online dating. It is now the only socially accepted broadly accessible way to "meet your wife".20:53:13
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonTiktok is history now22:03:50
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonSoon the only thing authoritative left about it will be some scraps of videos, news articles, and research papers22:04:14
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@itabashi:matrix.netho.tkitabashi<guyrien#0> Cousin took me to a dispensary22:52:09
@itabashi:matrix.netho.tkitabashi<guyrien#0> Also had in and out for the first time22:52:19
@itabashi:matrix.netho.tkitabashi<guyrien#0> It's a good day22:52:23
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In reply to @itabashi:matrix.netho.tk
<guyrien#0> Also had in and out for the first time
It used to be a McDonalds clone. Now its just a memory of simpler times
@awoofortwo:poa.stawoofortwothought he meant lost his virginity and now I realize it is burgers23:23:26
@awoofortwo:poa.stawoofortwoan american experience 23:23:41
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoonWhats increasing a minority american experience is sex https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-have-been-having-less-sex-whether-theyre-teenagers-or-40-somethings/23:31:11
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoon"Maybe the trend just represents that women able tp refuse to have 'bad sex'"23:31:43
@antonizoon:matrix.netho.tkantonizoon* Whats increasingly a minority american experience is sex https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-have-been-having-less-sex-whether-theyre-teenagers-or-40-somethings/23:33:07
26 Apr 2024

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