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12 Dec 2020
@applied_ion:matrix.orgapplied_ion joined the room.14:55:28
@astrojuanlu:matrix.org@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:02:55
@astrojuanlu:matrix.org@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:03:12

folks willing to follow my "How to contribute to open source", you'll need:

  1. Internet connection
  2. A https://gitlab.com/ account (we'll use this to push our code)
  3. A https://repl.it/ account (we'll use this to run all the git commands without the need to install any software on your computer)

see you later!

@astrojuanlu:matrix.org@astrojuanlu:matrix.org *

folks willing to follow my "How to contribute to open source" tutorial, you'll need:

  1. Internet connection
  2. A https://gitlab.com/ account (we'll use this to push our code)
  3. A https://repl.it/ account (we'll use this to run all the git commands without the need to install any software on your computer)

see you later!

@azisi:matrix.org@azisi:matrix.org Artur Scholz: why you not use MPPT for solar panels and youu use just a boost conveter? 15:18:32
In reply to @azisi:matrix.org
Artur Scholz: why you not use MPPT for solar panels and youu use just a boost conveter?
https://www.st.com/en/power-management/spv1040.html we considered this one. simply pending implementation.
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de) at it, yes! #3242053 is using a newer gr-satnogs version ( instead of on your station in #3234767. 15:24:59
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de)_)15:25:03
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de) I propose to follow up in #satnogs:matrix.org :) 15:25:18
@azisi:matrix.org@azisi:matrix.org sawjan: the SPV1040 could also works as battery charger 15:26:38
In reply to @azisi:matrix.org
sawjan: the SPV1040 could also works as battery charger
true. here we wouldswitch to a different architecture. using the SPVs, I assume we would use a pair for two opposite panels of the spacecraft.
@louisleleuch:matrix.orglouisleleuch joined the room.15:31:58
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de) Hi louisleleuch ! 15:32:13
@sawjan:matrix.orgsawjanHence, the motivation for now is to have something that is working, while we keep in mind that there is potential for improvement15:32:24
@louisleleuch:matrix.orglouisleleuchHi I'm there sorry for the delay 15:32:29
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de)great to read you here, thanks for your talk!15:33:55
@devanshujha7:matrix.orgdevanshujha7 joined the room.15:34:14
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de)hmn, copy-pasting URLs into repl.it doesn't work for me (firefox 83.0 on linux), but manually typing works.15:58:13
@astrojuanlu:matrix.org@astrojuanlu:matrix.org git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all 16:15:11
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de)+1 for the 2FA via repl.it guide!16:22:12
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de)gitlab didn't recognize my user (probably it gets detected by email)16:28:09
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de)off-topic!16:28:24
@kerel:matrix.orgkerel (abandoned account, new: @kerel:tchncs.de)The branch removal was done automatically (by gitlab).16:33:01
@astrojuanlu:matrix.org@astrojuanlu:matrix.org * https://github.com/gitahead/gitahead/16:54:49
@cylb:matrix.orgcylb joined the room.17:00:34

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