

1084 Members
Welcome to the Otaku community room! We're the biggest community for Anime, Manga, and everything else Otaku related on Matrix! Join our community at +otaku:matrix.org and our many sister rooms like #anime:matrix.org, #manga:matrix.org and #lightnovels:matrix.org! This community is actively moderated so everyone can feel at home and have fun. Be respectful of others!169 Servers

2848 users have interacted with this room.
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MXIDAvatarDisplay NamePower Level
@alexvoda:matrix.org@alexvoda:matrix.orgAlex VodaUser(0)
@natsuko:matrix.org@natsuko:matrix.orgAmane NatsukoUser(0)
@amber.:matrix.org@amber.:matrix.orgAmber 💗User(0)
@zhainanwang:matrix.org@zhainanwang:matrix.orgAnbulla MannavanUser(0)
@aniba/:matrix.org@aniba/:matrix.orgAnibal Peralta CastellonUser(0)
@ashleyiriabeneharo:matrix.org@ashleyiriabeneharo:matrix.orgAshley iriaUser(0)