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25 May 2020
@how:public.cathellekinThis is how we got involved with NGI0 (along with CCT, the Center for Cultivation of Technology, in Germany)14:04:37
26 May 2020
In reply to @pdecrat:matrix.org
But I'd be interesting in talking about your organizations and programs, I'm working on these topics as well
what topics/context are you working on?
@chrisgebhardt:matrix.orgChris Gebhardt
In reply to@how:public.cat
thanks pdecrat. Do you have a legal entity for IC? We were thinking about using ps to tap into the 200K figure, and dispatch to indidvual partners. Would you like it?
I'm looking into starting a non-profit, but nothing currently exists. Help and advice is definitely welcome!
@chrisgebhardt:matrix.orgChris Gebhardt(I'm in the US, so not sure what cross border options may exist..)20:43:42
@chrisgebhardt:matrix.orgChris Gebhardt
In reply to@tg:disroot.org
Chris Gebhardt: and what's your plan for turning these ideas into practice once the design proposal is ready?
My general plan is to pursue simultaneous formal spec development and prototype implementation of the core Repository and DMF (Data Management Foundation). (Spec and dev work can help inform each other) IE, the user-space side, can be minimalistic for now, perhaps thin adaptors to existing UI / web frameworks.
@chrisgebhardt:matrix.orgChris Gebhardt* My general plan is to pursue simultaneous formal spec development and prototype implementation of the core Repository and DMF (Data Management Foundation). (Spec and dev work can help inform each other) IE (Information Environment), the user-space side, can be minimalistic for now, perhaps thin adaptors to existing UI / web frameworks.20:50:39
In reply to @chrisgebhardt:matrix.org
(I'm in the US, so not sure what cross border options may exist..)
https://ngiatlantic.eu/ -- this for example but i dont know much about it, perhaps hellekin knows more
@how:public.cathellekinNGI Atlantic has about the same deadline as NGI Pointer. It requires two entities (one in the US and one in the EU), and it's aimed at startups as far as I understand. This could be a route to explore, but we need a legal entity in the US.20:56:57
@tg:disroot.org@tg:disroot.org hellekin: do you know if there are going to be more calls for ngi atlantic? 21:05:22
@tg:disroot.org@tg:disroot.orgi found the answer, there are going to be 5 calls, and as far as i see this is more for experimentation on testbeds like fed4fire.eu21:08:04
@tg:disroot.org@tg:disroot.orgso this will be good for the experimentation/evaluation phase but first need to develop a prototype21:09:04
@tg:disroot.org@tg:disroot.org hellekin: can PS work with non-EU partners? 21:09:57
@how:public.cathellekinsure, PS is not nationalist :)21:30:37
@tg:disroot.org@tg:disroot.orgthen the pointer seems more suitable21:31:17
@how:public.cathellekinwe already worked with australians and brazilians among others21:31:55
28 May 2020
@Robert.Best:matrix.orgrobert.best joined the room.03:58:29
4 Jun 2020
@chrisgebhardt:matrix.orgChris Gebhardt Quick update: (which I should do more often!) Progress continues quickly on the design overhaul, but the changes are pretty heavy. I'm now working on first class support for collections in the Persistent Data Model, based on Merkle trees but not using path-based referencing or naming. I realized I need this collections support for aggregate targets of metadata, large data handling, and efficient ontology component management / gathering / import. This will likely not be used for "semantic graph level" collection support, as with membership statements. Everything in PDM is raw data management oriented, so collections here need to be about access and aggregation of data entities and their payloads. 00:01:07
17 Jun 2020

Hi Chris Gebhardt and everyone! I've been working on a proposal on how to make RDF content-addressable (https://openengiadina.net/papers/content-addressable-rdf.html).. Work is very much inspired and influenced by InfoCentral, although it only covers a small subset of InfoCentral.

I'd be very happy for feedback and comments. We also have a JavaScript demo that shows how the scheme works: https://openengiadina.gitlab.io/js-eris/

7 Jul 2020
@jodie2099:matrix.org@jodie2099:matrix.org joined the room.17:42:14
@jodie2099:matrix.org@jodie2099:matrix.org left the room.21:55:56
8 Jul 2020
@chrisgebhardt:matrix.orgChris GebhardtSorry for late reply.. Riot never notified me of the new message here. :(17:15:44
@chrisgebhardt:matrix.orgChris Gebhardt pukkamustard: Cool! I'll take a look and compare my notes on similar. 17:16:12
@how:public.cathellekin Chris Gebhardt: actually you're timely, as we were notified yesterday that we got the funding to pursue TG's and pukkamustard's related research. 17:19:00
@chrisgebhardt:matrix.orgChris Gebhardtnice. Congrats!17:50:05
9 Jul 2020
@chrisgebhardt:matrix.orgChris GebhardtIn the ERIS design, what is the motivation to always encrypt the Merkle tree (branch) nodes given that the data blocks (leaf nodes) are already encrypted?09:13:14
@how:public.cathellekin I guess it avoids leaking information about the tree... Surely pukkamustard has a better explanation :) 09:16:05
@pukkamustard:matrix.org@pukkamustard:matrix.orgThat's exactly the reason. The branch nodes should be indistinguishable from the leaf nodes. If this were not the case an adversary could learn the lenght of the encoded content.09:25:15
@how:public.cathellekinit's all leaves :) 09:25:51
@pukkamustard:matrix.org@pukkamustard:matrix.orgECRS from GNUNet (https://grothoff.org/christian/ecrs.pdf) also encrypts leaf nodes. They have a nice description of the threath model and what an adversary could do.09:27:21

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