

8 Members
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7 Aug 2017
@ryanfobel:matrix.orgryan.fobel changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".20:33:48
@ryanfobel:matrix.orgryan.fobel changed their display name from ryanfobel to ryan.fobel.21:30:55
@ryanfobel:matrix.orgryan.fobel set a profile picture.21:34:41
Room Avatar Renderer.21:41:21
8 Aug 2017
@christian.fobel:matrix.orgchristian.fobel joined the room.17:53:39

I just tried uploading the latest dropbot.py using platformio-tool-teensy with teensy_loader_cli.exe removed, but it wasn't able to upload:

(dropbot.py) PS C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\dropbot.py> paver upload
---> pavement.upload
pio run --target upload --target nobuild
[08/08/17 14:04:22] Processing teensy31 (platform: teensy, board: teensy31, framework: arduino)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
Uploading .pioenvs\teensy31\firmware.hex
Opening Teensy Loader...
Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to automatically reboot.
Please press the PROGRAM MODE BUTTON on your Teensy to upload your sketch.
======================================================== [SUCCESS] Took 8.19 seconds ========================================================
@christian.fobel:matrix.orgchristian.fobelIt pops up the GUI uploader, but says it can't reboot the teensy18:07:18

It looks like it was just a bad USB cable. I swapped cables and now it is working as expected:

(dropbot.py) PS C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\dropbot.py> paver upload
---> pavement.upload
pio run --target upload --target nobuild
[08/08/17 14:11:02] Processing teensy31 (platform: teensy, board: teensy31, framework: arduino)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
Uploading .pioenvs\teensy31\firmware.hex
Opening Teensy Loader...
======================================================== [SUCCESS] Took 4.52 seconds ========================================================
@christian.fobel:matrix.orgchristian.fobel I've pushed up version 1.20.0 of dropbot.py to GitLab and the sci-bots Anaconda channel (as the package dropbot) 18:52:21
@christian.fobel:matrix.orgchristian.fobel As of dropbot v1.20.0, platformio-tool-teensy >=1.21.0 is required, which excludes teensy_loader_cli.exe 18:53:51
@ryanfobel:matrix.orgryan.fobelGreat! Thanks Christian.18:54:40
@christian.fobel:matrix.orgchristian.fobelNo problem18:54:45
@christian.fobel:matrix.orgchristian.fobel The corresponding platform-tool-teensy Conda build recipe can be found here: https://github.com/sci-bots/platformio-tool-teensy 18:55:22
12 Aug 2017
@ryanfobel:matrix.orgryan.fobelLooking for some feedback on https://github.com/wheeler-microfluidics/base-node-rpc/issues/1015:32:06
19 Sep 2017
@christian:digiomics.comchristian joined the room.15:09:13
@lucaszw:matrix.orglucaszw joined the room.15:09:39
@christian.fobel:matrix.orgchristian.fobel ryan.fobel: I just got base-node-rpc compiling and running for Arduino micro 22:27:50
@christian.fobel:matrix.orgchristian.fobel It seems like the micro doesn't support using the serialEvent callback to process incoming data on the serial interface 22:28:41
@christian.fobel:matrix.orgchristian.fobelRedacted or Malformed Event22:29:50

I was able to make things work by replacing:

void serialEvent() { node_obj.serial_handler_.receiver()(Serial.available()); }

void loop() {
  if (node_obj.serial_handler_.packet_ready()) {


void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {

    if (node_obj.serial_handler_.packet_ready()) {
20 Sep 2017
@ryanfobel:matrix.orgryan.fobel Awesome, thanks Christian! I'll give it a try tomorrow... 00:55:46
@ryanfobel:matrix.orgryan.fobelFigured out the problem with those control boards... They populated 2 capacitors that should have been left empty. Once I removed them, everything works as expected.12:19:09

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