
Emacs - System Crafters

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6 Jun 2024
@icyp:matrix.orgmari changed their display name from maidloid mari to mari.14:46:22
@icyp:matrix.orgmari changed their profile picture.14:47:49
7 Jun 2024
@alex3829:matrix.org@alex3829:matrix.org removed their display name real_z2.23:43:56
9 Jun 2024
@7actose:matrix.org7actose joined the room.15:57:27
11 Jun 2024
@keshavhi:matrix.orgTheMonitor changed their display name from FBI Agent Kesh to Kesh.14:30:07
13 Jun 2024
@snamellit:matrix.org@snamellit:matrix.org left the room.07:08:34
@migueldeoleiros:matrix.orgMiguel joined the room.07:20:30
@icyp:matrix.orgmari changed their profile picture.20:13:59
15 Jun 2024
@magnum164:matrix.orgChuck - KD2HNS changed their display name from magnum164 to kd2hns.13:28:06
@magnum164:matrix.orgChuck - KD2HNS changed their display name from kd2hns to chuck-kd2hns.15:00:50
@magnum164:matrix.orgChuck - KD2HNS changed their display name from chuck-kd2hns to Chuck - KD2HNS.15:15:08
16 Jun 2024
@simendsjo:matrix.orgsimendsjo set a profile picture.19:10:20
@keshavhi:matrix.orgTheMonitor changed their profile picture.23:58:35
@keshavhi:matrix.orgTheMonitor changed their display name from Kesh to TheMonitor.23:58:51
17 Jun 2024
@myegane49:matrix.orgmyegane49 joined the room.08:45:43
19 Jun 2024
@goblish:matrix.orggob joined the room.10:42:16
@goblish:matrix.orggob changed their display name from goblish to gob.11:46:43
@goblish:matrix.orggob set a profile picture.12:41:06
23 Jun 2024
@goblish:matrix.orggobare any agenda wizards available? I'm struggling with custom agendas... I have an org file called events thats just a load of headers with deadlines (things like appointments, birthdays, etc) I would like to add those events to a custom agenda I already have which is just a daily view with subheadings for different categories. But i'm not sure how to do it? the only solution I can see is turning all of my events into tasks, surely there is a better way right?15:24:57
@goblish:matrix.orggob here is the current agenda if that helps:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("d" "Daily Agenda"
         ((agenda ""
                  ((org-agenda-span 'day)
                   (org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'notscheduled))))
          (tags-todo "+SCHEDULED=\"<today>\"+TODO=\"TODO\"|+SCHEDULED=\"<today>\"+TODO=\"IN-PROGRESS\"" 
                     ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Work: Tasks")))
          (tags-todo "+SCHEDULED=\"<today>\"+TODO=\"MEETING\"" 
                     ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Work: Meetings")))
          (tags-todo "+DEADLINE<=\"<+7d>\"|+SCHEDULED<=\"<+7d>\"" 
                     ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Work: Deadlines")))
          (tags-todo "+SCHEDULED=\"<today>\"+TODO=\"TODO\"|+SCHEDULED=\"<today>\"+TODO=\"IN-PROGRESS\"" 
                     ((org-agenda-files '("~/org/personal/TODO.org" "~/org/personal/projects.org")) 
                      (org-agenda-overriding-header "Personal: Tasks")))
          (tags-todo "+STYLE=\"habit\"+SCHEDULED=\"<today>\"" 
                     ((org-agenda-files '("~/org/personal/TODO.org")) 
                      (org-agenda-overriding-header "Personal: Habits")))))))
26 Jun 2024
@drishal:matrix.orgDrishaldoes anyone know how to get lsp-mode working right with direnv and nix? 05:48:14
In reply to @drishal:matrix.org
does anyone know how to get lsp-mode working right with direnv and nix?
I've been using this emacs package which has worked well with eglot https://github.com/wbolster/emacs-direnv
In reply to @ohaukeboe:matrix.org
I've been using this emacs package which has worked well with eglot https://github.com/wbolster/emacs-direnv
I tried both envrc and direnv
however it asks me to install say, rust-analyzer when I open a project with direnv
In reply to @ohaukeboe:matrix.org
I've been using this emacs package which has worked well with eglot https://github.com/wbolster/emacs-direnv
* I tried both envrc and direnv
however it asks me to install say, rust-analyzer when I open a project with direnv and flake which already has it
@drishal:matrix.orgDrishalneovim is able to load that rust-analyzer just fine 05:55:14
@drishal:matrix.orgDrishalhowever I also have to use lsp-mode bcs eglot tends to crash a lot specially on nested projects 05:55:49
@drishal:matrix.orgDrishaland when I try eglot-reconnect it takes down the entire eglot server with it 05:56:53
@drishal:matrix.orgDrishalI rarely had a crash with lsp-mode though 05:57:10
@drishal:matrix.orgDrishalhuh interesting if I add rust rust-mode . lsp to hooks then its not able to load rust-analyzer 06:00:41
@drishal:matrix.orgDrishalhowever if I let lsp-mode handle it then it works 🤔06:00:42

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