
Coronavirus News

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Information hub for news and serious discussion about the coronavirus epidemic. The semi-real-time map for the spread is this link: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 Since there is a huge shortage of masks, here is a video showing you how you can make a disposable mask with a full-sized paper-towel, 4 rubber-bands, and 2 staples: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=CgkCpK2XRR4 You might even make it double-layered by using 2 paper towels instead of 1 Here is an other tracker that has daily updates about what happened on a particular day: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus119 Servers

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7 Feb 2020
@omjohann:junta.plomjohannplus such predicament would probably indeed rise my blood pressure, so win win16:28:51
@omjohann:junta.plomjohannI wonder how USA will do. Contained? or just slow unavoidable spread 16:29:46
@omjohann:junta.plomjohannsmall ACE II receptors master race16:30:10
@ff777:matrix.org@ff777:matrix.orgWe'll probably have to worry about it about as much as we had to worry about SARS.. So probably not much at all i am hoping.. Although otter2020 in here is a japanese female living in japan, so she will still have to worry about it..16:31:18
@ff777:matrix.org@ff777:matrix.orglike i said previously, i don't think there has been a non-asian death yet so far..16:32:15
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22I have a friend who's going to travel to Japan soon - I'm not sure I'd be going to do that in their place16:35:13
In reply to @pwr22:shortestpath.dev
I have a friend who's going to travel to Japan soon - I'm not sure I'd be going to do that in their place
at very least tell him to wear n95 and eye protection especially outdoors
@omjohann:junta.plomjohannand absolutelly on airport and such hubs16:36:10
@ff777:matrix.org@ff777:matrix.orgme and seven (we are both white americans) joked by saying we should go to wuhan and walk around like "hey guys what's up......i feel great..🤡"16:36:28
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22I doubt they'll do that unless they are basically forced to by staff at the airport etc16:36:42
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22I've annoyed them enough with nagging about the risks so I'm done for now16:37:03
In reply to @pwr22:shortestpath.dev
I doubt they'll do that unless they are basically forced to by staff at the airport etc
maybe airports around the world should force that - at minimum wear that crappy surgery-mask to not infect others too easily
@ff777:matrix.org@ff777:matrix.orgbut i mean, even if some one isn't asian and might be more immune to it: 1: they could still get it and it would make them feel kind of sick and crappy even if they don't die from it, but also 2: even if they are fine, would you really want to visit japan while every one there is panicking?..16:37:50
@ff777:matrix.org@ff777:matrix.orgwell you can't even find masks any more though.. they are sold out every where..16:38:36
@ff777:matrix.org@ff777:matrix.orgthat is why chinese people are wearing bottles over their heads..16:38:52


Sounds like either ACE inhibitors or an ACE II recoptor agonist might be beneficial based on that and my laymans understanding.

@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22ACE inhibitors because they reduce conversion of ACE I to ACE II and it seems that the virus needs ACE II present to enter cells16:43:57
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22ACE II receptor agonists because they block binding of ACE II to the receptors16:44:31
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22I have no idea if the ACE II receptor mentioned is the same one that that these drugs work on though16:46:04
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22Definitely sounds interesting though16:46:55
@omjohann:junta.plomjohann^ things soon out of pharmacy stock near you16:47:03
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22Ha ha, it's already hard enough for me to get mine normally 🤦‍♂️16:47:19
@omjohann:junta.plomjohannimagine a black market rulled by people with confirmed high BP in ccountries where you need perscription16:47:24
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22ha ha16:47:33
@omjohann:junta.plomjohannthanks socialism16:47:43
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22Or people suddenly taking large doses and fainting due to sudden low blood pressure16:47:51
@omjohann:junta.plomjohann do you need pers. in your's or is it OTC, pwr22 16:48:00
@pwr22:shortestpath.devpwr22Prescription only16:48:10

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