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4 May 2024
@_discord_135822073267224576:t2bot.iofredshonorio para automatizar há o scala-steward, mas tens de correr a tua instância a não ser que seja um projecto público 16:03:13
5 May 2024
@_discord_573958419028115466:t2bot.io.rssh changed their profile picture.08:15:03
6 May 2024
@_discord_1208673156559142913:t2bot.iosbtrun joined the room.02:45:42
@rrrrooo:matrix.org@rrrrooo:matrix.org joined the room.03:11:15
@rrrrooo:matrix.org@rrrrooo:matrix.org left the room.03:12:08
@_discord_517020437696479232:t2bot.ioeed3si9n#3896 sbt 1.10.0 is released, featuring
- SIP-51 support for Scala 2.13 by Lukas Rytz at Lightbend
- a wide range of Zinc fixes by Jerry Tan et al
- ConsistentAnalysisFormat by Stefan Zeiger at Databricks
- CommandProgress API by Iulian Dragos at Gradle Inc
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.ioMatthias Berndt#5019Redacted or Malformed Event12:14:30
@_discord_546632052213284865:t2bot.ioflre_death changed their display name from RandomDrumsDude to flre_death.15:50:34
@_discord_468499078104481813:t2bot.iocrater2150 joined the room.16:21:02
@_discord_779551845252595712:t2bot.iomrsauceman joined the room.16:21:49
@_discord_468499078104481813:t2bot.iocrater2150 set a profile picture.16:36:54
@_discord_164211041448755200:t2bot.ionevoic changed their profile picture.19:58:42
7 May 2024
@_discord_777947530973020220:t2bot.ioseank8588 changed their display name from Sean K#8588 to seank8588.10:56:32
@_discord_784165347816112139:t2bot.iocrtical_ joined the room.14:55:13
8 May 2024
@_discord_836974503732969482:t2bot.iomatheus_4530 I was downloading the new version of SBT in ZIP on Windows and it keeps saying that it is a suspicious file and it doesn't download anymore it blocks it 12:17:35
@_discord_1190008639965122590:t2bot.ioandrapyre In my current sbt adventure, I am trying to make an mdoc pre-build hook. I need to 1. Override the mdoc command with two tasks. 2. The first task is (Compile / run) - it generates docs from the code that I want to be in the git history. 3. The second task is the content of the original mdoc command. 4. The second task should fail if the first task fails.

I've scoured the sbt docs, but there doesn't seem to be a simple way to compose tasks such that if one fails they all fail. Even try/catch wrapping myTask.evaluate doesn't work. Am I missing something?
@_discord_486559152533929985:t2bot.iodwickern has anyone got sbt running in Github Actions on macOS M1? (macos-14 was recently promoted to macos-latest) 19:36:49
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 How are you installing it? 19:39:09
@_discord_486559152533929985:t2bot.iodwickern https://github.com/dwickern/sbt-web-brotli/blob/master/.github/workflows/build.yml#L21-L26 19:39:58
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 I would recommend using coursier instead: https://github.com/coursier/setup-action 19:42:09
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 Like this: https://github.com/neotypes/neotypes/blob/main/.github/actions/setup/action.yml#L21-L30 19:43:15
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 Not sure if that would fix the issue, but is worth trying. 19:43:25
@_discord_486559152533929985:t2bot.iodwickern pekko seems to use that and setup-java https://github.com/apache/pekko/blob/ea49f7bba732f6e44390902d61e3f25e0c82ae45/.github/workflows/link-validator.yml#L25-L35 19:46:21
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 Weird, probably a relic of the past 19:49:25
@_discord_486559152533929985:t2bot.iodwickern do I need to add apps: sbt explicitly? https://github.com/dwickern/sbt-web-brotli/actions/runs/9007696656/job/24748074820?pr=8 19:54:06
@_discord_486559152533929985:t2bot.iodwickern I'm not sure what sbtn is 19:54:11
@_discord_486559152533929985:t2bot.iodwickern 👍 that seems to work 19:59:47
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 sbtn is a native client for sbt so you can keep a server in the background without needing to keep a REPL open 20:01:17
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 I always use it on my local machine 20:01:19
@_discord_343536769687486464:t2bot.ioandrew.selvia sbtn is great, especially with IntelliJ IDEA's bsp support 20:01:47

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