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8 May 2024
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 I believe it can cause some issues on CI but so far it has worked great for me and reduces the time of jobs since they not longer need to both the server multiple times 20:01:52
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 Awesome! 20:01:57
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich#7695 What's wrong with setup-java? 20:26:02
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 Well as of today probably not much per se.
A couple of years back they had issues with Jabba and the jvm-index.
Also, they don't really know about the Scala tooling AFAIK, so people used to include a custom .sbt launcher script in the repos
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 Anyways, coursier already takes care of everything so I would rather just use one action 20:31:18
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich#7695 I see, I guess it is ok if you don't need coursier for anything. 20:32:29
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 I mean for a pure Java project then setup-java is probably the best option 20:34:56
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 But if you need any Scala tool like sbt or mill then is better to go with the coursier one 20:35:24
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 Also, for catching dependencies 20:35:33
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.ioBalmungSan#5059 * Also, for caching dependencies 20:35:38
@_discord_486559152533929985:t2bot.iodwickern setup-java doesn't work for macos-latest which was recently changed to point to macos-14 (aarch64/M1) 20:43:23
@_discord_486559152533929985:t2bot.iodwickern you will get an error
sbt: command not found
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich#7695 Interesting, good to know. 20:44:04
@_discord_632729825647525922:t2bot.ioekrich#7695 You would think that might be an oversight or issue. 20:44:28
@_discord_486559152533929985:t2bot.iodwickern yeah it's a known issue https://github.com/actions/setup-java/issues/627 20:46:00
@_discord_634335681954578433:t2bot.iocquiroz joined the room.21:12:53
9 May 2024
@_discord_934368481590276137:t2bot.iojoroli8777 joined the room.06:59:37
@_discord_930500690206425088:t2bot.ioalexcardell I haven't followed conversation around SIP-51 much. If we don't upgrade to SBT 1.10, could libraries published on a newer Scala 2.13 version start throwing linkage errors? As there are now no forward compatibility guarantees. Or will we just get compile time errors but less friendly instructions than sbt 1.10 would give 10:06:33
@_discord_930500690206425088:t2bot.ioalexcardell I am not grokking the actual SIP document very well 10:09:12
@_discord_996744440322469900:t2bot.ioanemish Guys, I have a problem with constant sbt recompilation. I use Intellij Idea, I imported a project as sbt project. Also I run sbt in a terminal.
Every time after I build the project in Idea, sbt does full recompilation in the terminal. And vice versa. What the hell? Any ideas?
@_discord_996744440322469900:t2bot.ioanemish * Guys, I have a problem with constant sbt 1.10 recompilation. I use Intellij Idea, I imported a project as sbt project. Also I run sbt in a terminal.
Every time after I build the project in Idea, sbt does full recompilation in the terminal. And vice versa. What the hell? Any ideas?
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 I don't use IJ but I thought to get that you need to import project as BSP and then choose sbt? 10:38:32
@_discord_996744440322469900:t2bot.ioanemish yep, that worked, thank you. But I mean, c'mon, what the hell? 10:42:28
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 I agree it's confusing - initial "SBT" model is whatever IJ was doing - importing model from SBT, then doing its own thing
BSP is newer

I guess the expectation is that if you used SBT model then built-in sbt shell would also share compilation?
@_discord_996744440322469900:t2bot.ioanemish built-in sbt shell is garbage and barely ever works for me 😦 11:00:03
@_discord_996744440322469900:t2bot.ioanemish it's been 20 years of Scala and still the DevX is not that great 😦 11:00:45
@_discord_996744440322469900:t2bot.ioanemish sbt starts for 12 seconds on my project. How?!! 11:02:24
@_discord_996744440322469900:t2bot.ioanemish JVM can load, parse and aggregate a 14Gb file in under 2 seconds. Why sbt can't start in 2 seconds? 11:03:12
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 Because it's not doing something as mind numbingly simple as working with a single memory mapped file 🙂

In all seriousness - SBT start up time can be addressed by more aggressive caching of tasks, which is part of the plan for SBT 2.0. To bring forward that vision SBT needs something more than just 1 part-time contributor.
@_discord_996744440322469900:t2bot.ioanemish Shall we chip in and donate some money to eed3si9n? I'm willing to pay $1k just to make it faster 11:09:09

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