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24 Mar 2022
@_discord_758905454075707442:t2bot.iozzyzzyxx#4150 gotcha. version := 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT or whatever should also do the trick 18:37:41
@_discord_691107588250665000:t2bot.ioBill Frasure joined the room.19:06:11
@_discord_691107588250665000:t2bot.ioBill Frasure Hey all, I'm working on zio-test, and having some difficulty generating Test reports correctly.
For ZIO 2.0, we are collecting all of the ZIOSpec classes in the entire project, composing them into a single ZIOSpec and then executing them as 1 large entity.
This does not align with SBT's expectation that 1 Spec == 1 Task, but I have been able to work around that for every situation aside from the XML reports.
I was hoping that I could return new Task s in our execute method that would process events with the correct EventHandler and then we would get 1 report per Spec.

However, it appears that SBT is doing some tracking of whether a Task was generated by another Task, so instead I am getting:

So my question - is it possible to prevent SBT from tracking this, and instead treat each returned Task as a completely isolated entity?
@_discord_295204838936150018:t2bot.ioDaenyth#7233 joined the room.19:11:53
@_discord_691107588250665000:t2bot.ioBill Frasure Interesting, this is the first that I've seen that project.
I will try to dig around their codebase; thanks
@_discord_933857105868357663:t2bot.ioraz changed their display name from raz to raz#5324.19:52:54
@_discord_933857105868357663:t2bot.ioraz changed their display name from raz#5324 to raz.19:52:56
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 joined the room.20:25:47
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 Actually, in Weaver we collect all the specs into separate SBT Tasks and just orchestrate the results/logging/resource management in parallel across tests 20:25:47
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 So in the end we emit as many Tasks as there are specs, so they should be getting individual reports. 20:26:20
@_discord_89507544619315200:t2bot.ioderya joined the room.20:33:23
@_discord_691107588250665000:t2bot.ioBill Frasure Thanks for the info, Would you mind pointing me to the relevant places in the code? 20:36:52
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 Haven't touched that part in a while, but if I squint I can see the discovered suites being matched 1:1 to SBT's tasks: https://github.com/disneystreaming/weaver-test/blob/master/modules/framework/src-jvm/RunnerCompat.scala#L83-L108

Plus the task for the global resource management
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime#6377 this stuff is hard to introspect so I can't say for certain that weaver generated the xml files you want 🙂 20:41:36
@_discord_909842938782167070:t2bot.ioBitStrap joined the room.20:46:12
@_discord_691107588250665000:t2bot.ioBill Frasure Thanks, that gives me some ideas! 20:56:16
@_discord_400743819445927945:t2bot.ioalynel joined the room.22:33:15
25 Mar 2022
@_discord_424964307793608714:t2bot.iogapry joined the room.05:57:19
@_discord_755826378620010526:t2bot.ioCU joined the room.10:38:01
@_discord_897948357266403338:t2bot.ioZachiah joined the room.21:06:08
@_discord_240166757577261056:t2bot.ioJoram joined the room.21:29:27
26 Mar 2022
@_discord_82993528296181760:t2bot.iocuddle_puddle joined the room.18:07:34
27 Mar 2022
@_discord_656772002048245771:t2bot.ioDesperate Lomov joined the room.10:32:24
@_discord_145003276398624780:t2bot.ionafg#1263 joined the room.22:27:08
@_discord_145003276398624780:t2bot.ionafg#1263 I have a complicated code generation process. Putting code in packages in project/ is iffy: 22:27:09
@_discord_145003276398624780:t2bot.ionafg#1263 1) sourcesInBase is not recursive, so sbt would need it to be under /project/src/main/scala 22:27:34
@_discord_145003276398624780:t2bot.ionafg#1263 2) IntelliJ doesn't understanding it in src/main/scala, but does understand (IIUC) packages in project/ 22:28:08
@_discord_145003276398624780:t2bot.ionafg#1263 Ideally perhaps I would put the code in its own library but then I would need extra build / CI steps 22:28:31
28 Mar 2022
@_discord_409493581863190528:t2bot.ioO( N logN) joined the room.05:06:14
@_discord_195213581288079360:t2bot.ioTirpalas joined the room.09:16:25

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