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15 Apr 2024
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime Howdy
Something I got confused about today - in Munit 0.7.x and 1.x the behaviour of assume seems to be different w.r.t. rendering ignored test.

Is this intentional and can be relied on? (the latter makes more sense, ignored test just not output at all)
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime Also, the message in assume doesn't seem to be reported anywhere? I was hoping it'd be like .ignore with reason 12:31:15
@_discord_642856193827536896:t2bot.iovalencik From what I recall the behaviour is different on different platforms too 😬

@_discord_642856193827536896:t2bot.iovalencik changed their profile picture.12:31:41
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime 🙃 12:32:06
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime ok 12:32:07
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime I'm on JVM only, so not that scared 12:32:16
@_discord_642856193827536896:t2bot.iovalencik Feel free to bump that issue with more context if you have a usecase / preferred output 12:32:49
@_discord_734849617820254331:t2bot.iovelvetbaldmime done 12:37:10
16 Apr 2024
@_discord_494806222650998785:t2bot.iowu_lynx joined the room.15:44:29
@_discord_425500181031551007:t2bot.iojackkoenig changed their profile picture.20:29:15
@_discord_341614860507021322:t2bot.ioandy.czerwonka joined the room.23:17:42
17 Apr 2024
@_discord_764117987707846707:t2bot.ioashwin1899 joined the room.07:25:43
18 Apr 2024
@_discord_810210642229329929:t2bot.iomzuehlke changed their display name from mzuehlke#0 to mzuehlke.06:39:00
@_discord_1106610376281444433:t2bot.ioemperorf joined the room.13:18:36
@_discord_474360877689208843:t2bot.iozanpreston joined the room.15:57:31
19 Apr 2024
@_discord_378367005624893452:t2bot.iorodney0 changed their profile picture.17:05:50
22 Apr 2024
@_discord_391890009319276546:t2bot.iorenghen joined the room.10:02:42
24 Apr 2024
@_discord_546733161388703811:t2bot.iodigitalmechanic joined the room.10:26:55
25 Apr 2024
@_discord_392428121342869534:t2bot.ioTomasz Godzik The 1.0.0-RC1 job is running! https://github.com/scalameta/munit/actions I plan to put all the changes into a separate blog psot later on to accompany the actual release 09:05:57
@_discord_642856193827536896:t2bot.iovalencik I think when Scala 3 LTS is fixed, it won’t be a breaking change for us to update and get the fix. So it’s likely fine for us to release 1.0.0 with this bug/regression. We should call it out in the release notes though. 12:04:40
@_discord_305013527763222528:t2bot.iooyvindberg joined the room.20:48:50
@_discord_121467287545839616:t2bot.ioMichael D changed their profile picture.20:57:04
26 Apr 2024
@_discord_810210642229329929:t2bot.iomzuehlke I created a draft PR to (hopefully) show that the Scala 3 LTS fix wont require a breaking change: https://github.com/scalameta/munit/pull/774 06:26:12
@_discord_644849095785054218:t2bot.iobjornregnell joined the room.11:40:44
27 Apr 2024
@_discord_254674063157493760:t2bot.iocobra8151 joined the room.09:53:05
30 Apr 2024
@_discord_421351560598257665:t2bot.io.gersondev changed their display name from gersondev to .gersondev.09:45:03
@_discord_372358874243661825:t2bot.iotoniogela changed their profile picture.10:09:25
2 May 2024
@_discord_996509073564516544:t2bot.iovt19110882 joined the room.19:18:54
4 May 2024
@_discord_398060040419934209:t2bot.ioseverian_au changed their display name from severian to severian_au.02:39:05

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