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25 Jul 2024
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatanyone can make a space or just a room21:26:11
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatyou can even have encrypted rooms as well21:26:35
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawattahh okay thanks for the help! 21:29:32
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawattanyway Endeavour OS lol 21:29:34
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawattit's pretty neat 21:29:39
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatnp 21:29:40
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatit is but its still just moded arch in my opinion 21:30:22
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawattI mean kinda I like it cuz every time I break my install it doesn't take me 2 hours to reinstall lol 21:30:46
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawattfinally got around to using timeshifts now so that helps 21:30:54
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatgtg i got to run some choirs 21:31:22
@gigawatt:matrix.orggigawattalr cya 21:31:36
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:09:44
26 Jul 2024
@ebonjaeger:matrix.org@ebonjaeger:matrix.org left the room.00:42:50
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509BIs anyone else getting a 'filesystem is not responding' error on their home filesystem with the 6.10 kernel on KDE?00:52:59
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509B6.6 LTS works normally.00:53:28
@toneyfox:matrix.orgtoneyfox joined the room.03:13:37
@toneyfox:matrix.orgtoneyfoxGot some wild flickering on a fresh install, installed Nvidia 555, got dead drivers (Black screen + cursor)03:15:00
@toneyfox:matrix.orgtoneyfox10 series, no iGPU03:15:17
@suffet:matrix.orgErrorif you're on kde and wayland that was my experience as well03:30:23
@suffet:matrix.orgErrorOtherwise, do you have nvidia-inst on your system? maybe you chose the regular install option instead of "latest cards only"03:31:37
@toneyfox:matrix.orgtoneyfoxI did indeed choose the regular, I usually install the drivers myself on Arch. I installed Endeavour for my brother. I've just reinstalled using the Nvidia option and that has Nvidia 55004:03:33
@toneyfox:matrix.orgtoneyfoxWhich is working great04:03:38
@torsten.maehne:matrix.orgTorsten Maehne
In reply to @dfx4509b:matrix.org
Is anyone else getting a 'filesystem is not responding' error on their home filesystem with the 6.10 kernel on KDE?
I can confirm the issue. Currently, my installation misbehaves once I boot the 6.10.1 kernel. It gets till the SDDM login screen with considerable delay, but after entering the password, my KDE Plasma Wayland session doesn't start. Booting linux-lts instead, fixes completely the issue.
@torsten.maehne:matrix.orgTorsten MaehneI am downgrading to 6.9.10-arch1-1 until there's a new version of the linux package gets released.08:31:44
@torsten.maehne:matrix.orgTorsten MaehneRedacted or Malformed Event08:31:58
@torsten.maehne:matrix.orgTorsten MaehneAlso with 6.9.10 booting and logging into my KDE Plasma session works again.08:35:08
In reply to@torsten.maehne:matrix.org
I am downgrading to 6.9.10-arch1-1 until there's a new version of the linux package gets released.
Easy way is to just use the LTS kernel for the time being.
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509BIt'd be kinda nice if there were a version of the LTS kernel that had the zen kernel's optimizations though.09:55:19
@dfx4509b:matrix.orgDFX4509Bvfio-lts builds the VFIO driver into itself though.09:55:42
@jahway603:meowchat.xyzjahway603 joined the room.22:22:02

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