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16 Sep 2024
@oldgrump:matrix.org@oldgrump:matrix.org left the room.21:51:25
@xyz-233-777:nitro.chat7 the firstThis is a security update to all users here on the platform: I just had a detailed conversation with a very trustworthy user, who unfortunately informed me about something very unpleasant, which until recently he and I thought was just a rumor - to scare us. The following happened to this user: He downloaded a video from a public room here, witch was posted in it. He start to watch this vid and at some point in the video, an image suddenly appears. This pic contained the following text information: "IP is logged. Authoryties watching and we're tracing you" As I mentioned at the beginning, I thought it was a rumor that it was possible to embed an code and an image in a video. Because shortly after this image report, a downloaded spyware started in the background to extract and transfer all possible user information - wherever it was. ----------------------------------------- What you, dear reader of this information, do now with this information is solely your own responsibility. I myself will adapt and change my behavior in this regard as far as saved videos are concerned. In addition, I will be checking my stored files for spyware and viruses over the next few days.18:32:30
@hypepokimon:matrix.org@hypepokimon:matrix.org left the room.23:21:09
17 Sep 2024
@lmnopoly:matrix.org@lmnopoly:matrix.org joined the room.02:57:55
@lmnopoly:matrix.org@lmnopoly:matrix.org left the room.02:57:58
@qwerty1337a:matrix.orgqwerty1337a joined the room.08:35:57
@rockytop234:matrix.org@rockytop234:matrix.org joined the room.14:41:50
@rockytop234:matrix.org@rockytop234:matrix.org joined the room.15:07:03
@rockytop234:matrix.org@rockytop234:matrix.org left the room.15:07:12
@potfc:matrix.org@potfc:matrix.org joined the room.18:36:53
@potfc:matrix.org@potfc:matrix.org left the room.19:15:36
@maxjones1993:matrix.oelrichsgarcia.demaxjones1993 joined the room.19:24:32
@gossun2:catgirl.cloudgossun2 joined the room.20:18:07
@thevixen:matrix.orgthevixen joined the room.21:21:39
@error227:matrix.orgCoffee joined the room.21:52:21
18 Sep 2024
@nauh:matrix.org@nauh:matrix.org left the room.02:26:15
@anor0009:matrix.orgMtiirff Memee joined the room.04:34:30
@jackieestes:matrix.orgjackieestes joined the room.07:55:29
@xyz-233-777:nitro.chat7 the firstUPDATE This is now the update to the Security Alarm. The potential spyware infection was on a smartphone. The exact file extension is unknown but it was not an mp4 file, that's for sure. The name of the video itself is also unknown and this Vid no longer exists to the point where it can be analyzed. The "image" displayed within the video was not a pop-up in an image viewer but appeared as a still image of the video. The exact sequence of events and background are unknown because the person panicked at the still image and at the same time the antivirus program on the phone sounded the alarm. This could of course have been a coincidence and the antivirus program reacted to a general infection and did not come from Vid. But in this situation? Who could really judge that? Because the user is not a professional or a real nerd, although he is an advanced user. I can say with certainty that the exact same thing could have happened to me, and perhaps the same errors out there could have resulted, because I am only a little bit more then an advanced user. It has been a long time since I was actually more than that. ----------------------------------------- It is actually very likely if you ask me with all the information I have now gathered. At the time of the security alarm, however, I did not know about it all - and would rather post this security message than potentially let all possible users run into the open knife. ----------------------------------------- I would also ask you to be aware that technical backdoors and vulnerabilities in apps and programs, as well as vulnerabilities in the operating system itself, have shown time and again in the past that there are many ways to program exploits that work precisely in this way. At first it was laughed at and declared impossible and defamed, but later the exploit was publicly given its name and remedies were developed. The situation today is not necessarily the situation tomorrow. ----------------------------------------- Based on my current knowledge of all the few but still existing factors, I would now even say that it was/is 99% a hoax. This has already been suspected by two or three experienced users here. ----------------------------------------- So I can only apologize to you, the users who trust me, for all the fuss that my security notice, which was perhaps posted too hastily, caused. What I will not accept, however, is that I am attacked with regard to my sense of responsibility and related posts, such as security updates. Some users have already received my response to this - in the form that I made use of my admin rights and removed and banned real attacking assholes from rooms/spaces. ----------------------------------------- On the other hand, it also shows some users that there are pranksters who put warning messages like this in their videos, which of course scares the users who watch the video. In that sense, this security message was a partial success, even though it wasn't intended that way.06:33:35
@kdksisjsksll:matrix.org@kdksisjsksll:matrix.org joined the room.08:18:42
@kdksisjsksll:matrix.org@kdksisjsksll:matrix.org joined the room.08:39:01
@kdksisjsksll:matrix.org@kdksisjsksll:matrix.org left the room.08:39:14
@iris:bark.lgbtIris 🏳️‍⚧️ joined the room.13:45:28
@naughtyone:matrix.orgAdam left the room.15:17:44
@dogtildeth6664ever:matrix.orgdogtildeth6664ever changed their profile picture.20:21:00
@moco:deep.fomoco joined the room.16:58:36
@dogtildeth6664ever:matrix.orgdogtildeth6664ever left the room.20:35:08
@moco:deep.fomoco left the room.17:24:31
@dex556:matrix.orgDex joined the room.21:31:45
@dex556:matrix.orgDex left the room.21:32:18

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