
The Scots leid

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Aa aboot 'e Scots líd - A brig tae the Discord guild/server *Nae NSFW or Hate Speech!* Pairt ae +scotsleed:matrix.org10 Servers

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3 Jan 2024
@_discord_765028951541940225:t2bot.iolensandwander Bit late but https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1131057438183936042/1191197047068569610/image-1-1.png?ex=65a48fb3&is=65921ab3&hm=0e00af125438eb87ee74abd81941227a62b2e9316ad706a08c4f4336e346ed34& 21:40:57
@_discord_765028951541940225:t2bot.iolensandwander changed their profile picture.21:40:59
@_discord_117035690339860482:t2bot.ioCobra_3000 [sco/en_SCO]{it}(gd) .unimaginative Welcome! 22:19:51
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer what brings you to our blessed server! 22:21:33
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative Glad to see this server have so many people, I'm always happy to see enthusiasm for revitalisation of often demeaned languages 22:21:35
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative 22:21:47
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative I'm trying my best to help revitalise a local language of my country ( France), and since you guys up in Britain seem miles ahead of us, I figured I'd go take a look at what you're doing to help preserve Scots 22:22:59
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer fair enough 22:23:32
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer you's are probally around were gaelic is 22:23:48
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative Yeah the situation isn't very good 22:25:34
Download levelup.png
@_discord_172002275412279296:t2bot.ioMcTatsumaki .unimaginative has leveled up! (3 ➜ 4) 22:25:46
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative Picard 22:27:31
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picard_language 22:27:44
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer picard 22:27:44
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer i was going to wikipedia you beat me too it lol 22:28:05
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative Lol 22:28:35
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative It's sort of become an habit of mine to pull up the Wikipedia article whenever I bring up my language 22:28:56
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer not a bad one 22:29:41
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative So, how do you think things are going for Scots these days? 22:32:02
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer i saw like three or 4 plays in scots last year for example 22:33:28
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer but getting the goverment to say... teach it in schools? 22:33:35
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane If yer really lucky, ye'll have some ignoramous call ye an American for speaking Scots 22:33:47
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer or have a standered otograthy as some want 22:33:54
@_discord_978991142299402270:t2bot.iotofer lol 22:34:04
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane Gin a haed ae penny fur ilka time a'd been cried American fur spikkin Scots, a'd hae three pennies, fit isna ower muckle bit it's affa unco aat it's happent thrice 22:35:04
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative Is there any amount of political support for the language? 22:35:11
@_discord_960983565099753553:t2bot.io.unimaginative Like, some MP or something 22:35:23
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane Well we got opponents of the language calling us fascists for speaking it 22:35:39
@_discord_237377666041249794:t2bot.iociphriuskane An there's plans fur ae "Scots Language Minister" 22:36:07

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