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17 Feb 2024
@+tommy_plug:matrix.org@+tommy_plug:matrix.org joined the room.11:01:47
18 Feb 2024
@marra25:matrix.org@marra25:matrix.org joined the room.00:25:49
@marra25:matrix.org@marra25:matrix.org left the room.00:26:01
@ken4321:matrix.org@ken4321:matrix.org joined the room.04:09:07
@ken4321:matrix.org@ken4321:matrix.org left the room.04:22:44
22 Feb 2024
@+tommy_plug:matrix.org@+tommy_plug:matrix.org left the room.12:25:26
24 Feb 2024
@amanda_alex:matrix.orgAlex joined the room.16:31:56
@amanda_alex:matrix.orgAlexeyo, is it possible to move the layers window into a more vertical position?16:32:59
25 Feb 2024
In reply to @amanda_alex:matrix.org
eyo, is it possible to move the layers window into a more vertical position?
Yes, on the latest build you can select alternative timeline and that will give the vertical layer/timeline. Hope that helps.
@amanda_alex:matrix.orgAlexwhere may i find this option?00:34:07
@amanda_alex:matrix.orgAlex1.0 does claim to be the latest version00:35:59

If logged into GH you should see an artifacts - providing your on Windows (if not check out one of the other actions).

1.0 is the latest release version, there have been small builds which are automatically built when a new commit comes into the repo.

@pixl_xip:matrix.orgpixl_xipi think you need a gh account to see artifacts but i may be wrong01:08:16
Download image.png
@pixl_xip:matrix.orgpixl_xipyea you do (i just installed a random web browser just for this)01:10:33
@pixl_xip:matrix.orgpixl_xipso here is (i think) a direct link to the file01:12:07
@modelo5:matrix.org@modelo5:matrix.org joined the room.19:20:58
@modelo5:matrix.org@modelo5:matrix.org left the room.19:21:26
In reply to @orbitalmartian:envs.net

If logged into GH you should see an artifacts - providing your on Windows (if not check out one of the other actions).

1.0 is the latest release version, there have been small builds which are automatically built when a new commit comes into the repo.


If logged into GH

I did mention this :)

@pixl_xip:matrix.orgpixl_xipoooh ok20:49:44
26 Feb 2024
@tomz_plug:matrix.org@tomz_plug:matrix.org joined the room.21:28:46
28 Feb 2024
@ninja12:matrix.org@ninja12:matrix.org joined the room.02:14:17
@ninja12:matrix.org@ninja12:matrix.org left the room.02:14:24
3 Mar 2024
@hack.zip/2000:matrix.orgHack.Zip joined the room.15:12:31
@namikage:matrix.org@namikage:matrix.org joined the room.21:22:43
@namikage:matrix.org@namikage:matrix.org joined the room.23:06:51
4 Mar 2024
@namikage:matrix.org@namikage:matrix.org left the room.00:54:30
16 Mar 2024
@birubiru:matrix.org@birubiru:matrix.org joined the room.08:02:52

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