
Announcements [WadBot]

1489 Members
WadBot Announcements7 Servers

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5 Sep 2023
@ctwee:matrix.orgctwee joined the room.20:19:00
7 Sep 2023
@luvicity:matrix.orgluvicity joined the room.05:08:40
@arlekin13:matrix.orgCHEAPER LIFETIME RESELL changed their display name from CHEAP LIFETIME RESELL to CHEAPER LIFETIME RESELL.13:37:28
8 Sep 2023
@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulz.apk and build #1 is sent out to relaxers. If you didnt get a DM message me again. dont forget to provide a lifetime license19:24:37
9 Sep 2023
@yslohan:matrix.orgyslohan joined the room.03:19:38
@oblomow1:matrix.orgoblomow1 joined the room.09:47:28
@yemm:matrix.orgyemm joined the room.21:30:53
13 Sep 2023
@gedos:matrix.orgThe Gedos joined the room.21:23:18
@kondziuus:matrix.org@kondziuus:matrix.org left the room.22:11:22
14 Sep 2023
@cicadatb:matrix.orgCicadaTB joined the room.18:19:28
@cicadatb:matrix.orgCicadaTB set a profile picture.18:50:01
15 Sep 2023
@kumakumakumakuma:matrix.orgkumakumakumakuma joined the room.18:36:02
17 Sep 2023
@tundra23:matrix.orgFluken CSGO joined the room.09:28:47
@djinzz:matrix.orgdjinzz joined the room.14:55:12
19 Sep 2023
@tommy_plug:matrix.org@tommy_plug:matrix.org left the room.04:36:45
24 Sep 2023
@wadbotbot:matrix.orgstatus.wadbot.lolNVIDIA drivers 537.42 seems to be problematic. downgrade with clean install if wadbot doesn't work at all23:54:33
@wadbotbot:matrix.orgstatus.wadbot.lol * NVIDIA drivers v537.42 seem to be problematic. downgrade with clean install if wadbot doesn't work at all23:54:53
25 Sep 2023
@hujski:matrix.orgEth Rishu joined the room.00:09:09
@blunderfel:matrix.orgblunderfel joined the room.21:15:05
26 Sep 2023
@oriotz:matrix.orgoriotz joined the room.02:34:48
27 Sep 2023
@lucipqp:matrix.orgKrowz TV joined the room.02:58:57
@sleep1337:matrix.orgclumsylulz *
  • relax beta
  • mouse jump bug fixed
  • discord status bug fixed

you might need to enable GPU scanner in F10

28 Sep 2023
@rinnegan420:matrix.orgKryštof Sládek joined the room.14:15:51
@marcin151584:matrix.orgmarcin151584 joined the room.19:13:42
30 Sep 2023
@richard4999:matrix.orgRichard Kloosterman joined the room.16:19:11
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org joined the room.04:08:36
@alialialialiali:matrix.orgAli BoHamad joined the room.10:04:28

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