
Announcements [WadBot]

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24 Jan 2023
@kounter:matrix.orgKount Emp7 joined the room.18:49:15
25 Jan 2023
@uzytkownik42:matrix.orguzytkownik42 joined the room.04:07:46
26 Jan 2023
@xlyn:matrix.orgWinter changed their display name from ! Sonne to Winter.09:45:19
@xlyn:matrix.orgWinter changed their profile picture.09:45:30
28 Jan 2023
@playback2396:matrix.orgplayback2396 joined the room.08:54:13
@mikhail91:matrix.orgarchangel changed their display name from Zola Losonszky to archangel.18:01:16
29 Jan 2023
@cortialby:matrix.orgcortialby joined the room.20:38:21
31 Jan 2023
@johnrambo47:matrix.orgjohnrambo47 joined the room.23:44:32
1 Feb 2023
@katlifer_fajn:matrix.orgƁukasz Zysk joined the room.00:54:08
@burnsted:matrix.orgburnsted joined the room.09:27:43
@anastasia_jx:matrix.organastasia_jx joined the room.14:42:17
@buvak:matrix.orgbuvak joined the room.22:30:23
2 Feb 2023
@wafendyi:matrix.orgwafendyi joined the room.21:48:37
3 Feb 2023
@yassbro:matrix.orgyassbro joined the room.13:49:39
4 Feb 2023
@field0123:matrix.orgfield0123 joined the room.12:44:01
@siadam:matrix.orgsiadam joined the room.18:56:17
5 Feb 2023
@miooor:matrix.orgVirtual Ronggeng (Vuxx) joined the room.03:29:10
@bokdol96:matrix.orgbokdol96 joined the room.06:49:27
6 Feb 2023
@ae5654747:matrix.orgae5654747 joined the room.05:45:16
@mooks354:matrix.orgz z joined the room.17:26:40
7 Feb 2023
@driveway:matrix.orgdriveway joined the room.17:26:03
8 Feb 2023
@dalati:matrix.orgDalati joined the room.05:47:58
9 Feb 2023
@huj12345:matrix.orgDavid Dragonov joined the room.04:59:42
@superjaaniuss:matrix.orgsuperjaaniuss joined the room.16:29:21
@twixybro69:matrix.orgtwixybro69 joined the room.16:29:48

patch 13.3 introduced a "bug" where auto attacks need more time to register.
from how my coworker described it, it sounds very similar to how A-clicks are handled (A clicks seem to require some sort of additional server-side validation, kinda like asking the server, hey whats the closest enemy i can attack, instead of doing that clientside)
this is most likely a bug and riot themselves will probably correct it as normal players who kite manually are struggling as well.

Reference from 13.3 patchnotes:
Fixed a bug where being rooted when attempting to issue attack-move commands caused the champion to be unable to auto-attack
This could be what induced the current AA bug. They fix one bug create another.

I'm jumping on my computer now to come up with a solution.
you will hear back from me shortly....

@sirpikachu:matrix.orgsirpikachu joined the room.16:39:41
@bartius:matrix.orgpunisher maserati joined the room.17:31:48
@kaynkaynkayn:matrix.orgkayn686586 joined the room.17:44:11

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