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12 Jan 2024
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 hey everyone 05:02:11
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat wazabear



Just modify to actually use the right funcs
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 is there a linux commandline decompressor for zip, tar.xz, tar.gz tar.bz2? 05:50:48
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 or do I need both tar and unzip 05:51:06
@_discord_232158885312462848:t2bot.ioabdu7944 Why do you need that? 05:58:55
@_discord_232158885312462848:t2bot.ioabdu7944 Is it a problem with extracting boost? 05:59:11
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor You need both. Tar is not a compressed format 06:01:12
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 no I'm building a script kinda like the cmakelists in and android build, but how does it decompress the files when they arew all different? 06:01:44
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor It kind of depends on what you're talking about, exactly? 06:04:54
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor Most of the contents of openmw-deps are packaged as .zip, except for some on windows. In those cases, they just toss 7zip at everything: https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw/-/blob/master/CI/before_script.msvc.sh?ref_type=heads#L754 06:05:22
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor every platform has a before_script like this that sets up dependencies accordingly 06:06:32
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 I'm going down a rabbit hole of learning 06:06:41
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor Query: Why are you forced to handle .tar anyway? 06:07:13
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor If you're building everything yourself you can use whatever format. 06:07:27
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 https://gist.github.com/Duron27/d4ae64d9c8a0bd8d11d53e4e0d844fae 06:07:36
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 having fun even if its pointless 06:07:49
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor oh, I see 06:08:42
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor you can't download releases, though. At least not from the original source 06:09:06
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor so wget is not what you want here 06:09:11
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor you want the source from this specific version, which is also going to be a tag on the repo 06:10:02
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor or, should be anyway, I make no promises about how all of them are set up 😄 06:10:20
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 it downloads the same files the build script does? and I can build them during the docker build 06:10:32
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 but idk I'm just messing around 06:11:06
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor oh, cool, sorry. I just misunderstood what these were, they are source 06:13:01
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor There's a couple ways you could deal with this, but I would still just use git clone and switch to the specific tag or commit needed 06:15:50
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor You can use 7zip on any of these formats as well, but doing a compressed tarball is two steps with 7z and one with tar 06:17:55
@_discord_656242784050741248:t2bot.ioS3ctor So probably, just keep track of what's a zip or not 06:18:06
@_discord_414058251299192832:t2bot.iowazabear zackhasacat how do I use the mod? 06:18:25
@_discord_127678330722844672:t2bot.iozackhasacat Activate the omwscripts, download the folder I linked to first, make your changes to the function to make it work with your switch node api 06:20:36
@_discord_429618435702652929:t2bot.ioduron27 hmm 06:20:47

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