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17 Jul 2024
@thalweg:matrix.orgjason joined the room.12:19:20
18 Jul 2024
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2Nobody here talking about 4.2?04:02:14
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2Is this even blender room?04:02:35
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgZero-ghost kuligs2: if you dont have any specific question or topic to bring up feel free to not say anything... 04:03:19
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgZero-ghostits quiet because people are out there simply using blender, creating and whatever else04:03:32
@zero-ghost:matrix.orgZero-ghostnot worrying about how busy a chat room is04:03:38
@aes:chat.alexanderesmith.comAlexanderESmithAgreed. I'm mostly lurking in case someone asks a question I know an answer to.05:47:56
@deedend:matrix.orgdeedendIs there a way to make the alt function during a command (to pan and zoom) as default in Blender? I mean, I would like to pan and zoom without having to keep pressed Alt11:08:55
@scorpion2185:matrix.orgscorpion2185 how edit "animation" in .fbx format ? when i move a point it does not keep the proportion?
.fbx imported in blender
@scorpion2185:matrix.orgscorpion2185 * how edit "animation" in .fbx format ? when i move a point it does not keep the proportion
.fbx imported in blender
@scorpion2185:matrix.orgscorpion2185 this https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/animation/actions.html helps? 11:28:27
@scorpion2185:matrix.orgscorpion2185i do not see pose mode therefore object is not an armature?19:57:01
@scorpion2185:matrix.orgscorpion2185 indeed https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/153953/cannot-enter-pose-mode-with-an-avatar-with-a-grayed-out-name 20:01:01
@scorpion2185:matrix.orgscorpion2185can I convert fbx model in a way that it has bones etc.?20:02:03
@scorpion2185:matrix.orgscorpion2185does somebody know where fetch a foss player with bones etc. for blender?20:17:43
21 Jul 2024
@savraska:matrix.orgVulpo changed their profile picture.18:35:08
22 Jul 2024
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2can someone help me17:23:32
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2i pressed go offline in the 4.2 extension tab17:23:41
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2now i dont have access to extensions17:23:51
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2how to restore?17:23:54
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2found it17:24:31
@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lvkuligs2man its so cruyptic17:24:37
Download image.png
23 Jul 2024
@jodral:matrix.orgJohan David Wallens PatiƱo joined the room.03:16:21
@sannyasi:matrix.orgsannyasi joined the room.07:39:14
24 Jul 2024
@dark_shepherd:matrix.orgdark_shepherd joined the room.04:10:23
@sqz:matrix.orgsqz joined the room.13:40:22
@sqz:matrix.orgsqzhi all, here is a very blender-friendly way to make XR stuff with blender: https://xrfragment.org It's something I've been working on: a Open Spec which turns 3D models into (linkable & teleportable) hypermedia..interactable with hand detection. Basically semi-interactive 3D worlds by just linking files together via URLs..without platforms..accounts...just simple files/URLs. If you have a quest headset, make sure to check out the webbased demo viewer. Let me know in case of questions, would love any type of feedback.13:40:26
26 Jul 2024
@aes:chat.alexanderesmith.comAlexanderESmithInterestingly, I've always thought that if some kind of secondary-reality layer (virtual, augmented, or otherwise) were going to take off as a metaverse, it would have to be basically what you just described. The regular internet, with 3d objects in it.\17:26:43

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