
Empty Room

5 Members
Meta-discussion of what rooms should exist for supporting the Matrix community2 Servers

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16 Feb 2017
@seequ:krtdex.comseequ_Anyways, yeh. #synapse has sadly been more harm than use as it uninteonally grabs people who look for synapse support.14:15:20
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.orgWhich is actually a point in its favour.14:14:51
@Half-Shot:half-shot.uk@Half-Shot:half-shot.ukEh, I don't know. I'm not unhappy that the room exists14:17:56
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.org Interest in matrix and its ecosystem is growing, and scarily fast according to the graphs M'hew showed in his talks. 14:18:06
@Half-Shot:half-shot.uk@Half-Shot:half-shot.ukI think it might be slightly premature as Matthew says, but there is nothing wrong with people turning up here asking for questions14:18:18
@Half-Shot:half-shot.uk@Half-Shot:half-shot.ukJust would be better to grab Erik or someone so we can actually respond to them.14:18:45
@seequ:krtdex.comseequ_Half-Shot: Sure. My point is that they're less likely to get an answer there.14:19:54
@seequ:krtdex.comseequ_Which is counterproductive14:20:02
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.org With or without #synapse, there won't be enough M'hews around to personally answer every question. 14:19:03
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.orgSome of that needs to be offloaded onto the community.14:19:43
@Half-Shot:half-shot.uk@Half-Shot:half-shot.ukMm, which I'd say just means we need to have more people with answers in here14:19:49
@seequ:krtdex.comseequ_I'm pretty neutral about #synapse14:21:27
@seequ:krtdex.comseequ_It's good if it grows, harmful if it doesn't14:21:46
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.orgWell, since we now have a clear answer, we can actually set it up as a community-run room and make the name and topic clearer.14:20:55
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.org Although I'd prefer it under the team umbrella, with Matrix HQ being handled by the community. 14:21:37
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.orgRedirecting users to the right rooms is something the community can handle.14:22:13
With or without #synapse, there won't be enough M'hews around to personally answer every question.
I think that Matthew needs to go Agent Smith and clone himself.  This is the Matrix, so he can do that, right?
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.orgHa, we all wish.14:25:49
@uhoreg:matrix.org[uhoreg] (not just for answering questions, but for all the other stuff that's landing on his plate)
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.orgChanges applied. Matthew- if you change your mind or want the #synapse alias, let us know.14:51:25
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewso what was the change in the end?15:20:07
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewand okay :)15:20:09
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.org Matthew: Clarified the room name and the topic to say it's community-run, as opposed to "we're on hold, and don't know where this room is going yet". 15:28:36
@Coffee:matrix.org@Coffee:matrix.orgAlso will be adding a few modministrators in the next few days to improve balance and continuity.15:32:53
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewcool. good luck!15:41:34

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