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5 Jul 2018
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.org ...as clintnelsen mentioned 14:47:17
@clintnelsen:matrix.orgclintnelsenjack just recommended Riot in slack14:47:55
@clintnelsen:matrix.orgclintnelsenbut I'm open to Rocketchat too14:48:27

Is anyone opposed to using Rocket Chat?

it's definitely better than slack (because you own your data), but though it's not federated (any thereby an order of magnitude less open than federated systems)

@clintnelsen:matrix.orgclintnelsennow im getting some chat delay on my end14:48:46
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.org vsund: 14:48:54
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgDo you have any reasons you'd prefer Riot over Rocket Chat?14:49:17
@vsund:matrix.vsund.de@vsund:matrix.vsund.dethe end goal of matrix is to not have to think in which app you'd have to go to write someone14:49:14
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgThere's also Keybase...14:49:56
@vsund:matrix.vsund.de@vsund:matrix.vsund.derocketchat (and every other non-federating software) is more or less a self-hosted data silo (or self-controlled walled garden)14:50:39
@vsund:matrix.vsund.de@vsund:matrix.vsund.dealso to add: i understand that i have strong opinions on the freedom of chat, please don't let them get you off your decision of what's the best for the project :)14:51:38

(not to forget the spirit/movement around it, federation/openness is a core belief of the community)

part of these beliefs are that nobody should force someone into a specific client/network for chats. that's one of the reasons why they started writing bridges for other chat networks (e.g. i can join all big irc networks, gitter, etc over the federated matrix network)

@vsund:matrix.vsund.de@vsund:matrix.vsund.deso we're might be able to meet everyone's beliefs with bridging a few networks (e.g. i'm in a gitter room over matrix, and noticed a few days after joining that it wasn't a matrix native one :D)14:56:22
@vsund:matrix.vsund.de@vsund:matrix.vsund.de guylepage3: what do you think of the ui/ux of https://zulipchat.com? (no federation but thread support) 15:11:19
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgYeah. I get the closed silo part for sure.. I HATE being locked in for sure.. But the UX needs to be there.. especially for onboarding people.15:33:21
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgThere is also good old IRC... Lol.15:33:24
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgI feel as though every developer has used IRC at one point or another15:33:28
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.org set a profile picture.15:40:11
@vsund:matrix.vsund.de@vsund:matrix.vsund.deyeah, irc is still somehow surviving and i don't know why, despite (or probably because?) it has no features 🤔15:48:10
@vsund:matrix.vsund.de@vsund:matrix.vsund.dei think irc has a strong community that really likes sticking to it (and probably also network effects)15:49:54
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgSo seems as though a lot of large open source projects are using discord16:58:22
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgReact, etc..16:58:34
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orghm.. I feel we should be using one of the main chat apps for onboarding folks.17:04:03
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgGitter, Discord, Slack for chat...17:04:26
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgThen Discorse for our forum17:05:00
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.orgI've moved back over to Slack for the time being folks.. Having all these chat apps open is.. 😒17:09:06
@guylepage3:matrix.org@guylepage3:matrix.org hmm... vsund just created a Zulip account. It's quite similar to Slack. 17:14:11
@vsund:matrix.vsund.de@vsund:matrix.vsund.dei really like the ability to thread conversations, that a major bummer in slack17:15:06

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