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10 Nov 2024
@blaiz0r:matrix.orgblaiz0rThere is a URL that can check the Steam cloud18:37:36
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakyeah files are here... it seems that Satisfactory (the app) doesn't want to open them anymore...18:41:51
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakwell! time to start a new run I guess18:42:14
11 Nov 2024
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacs
In reply to @Creak:matrix.org
Is it normal that if I switch from Proton experimental to Proton community in Steam, the game doesn't load my save files?
I'm playing Satifactory
Yikes, So it completely regenerates prefix, not even update just completely nuke and regen...
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacs* Yikes, it should just update the prefix. Not nuke and regenerate.06:54:21
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacsRip.06:54:44
In reply to @Creak:matrix.org
well! time to start a new run I guess
@pyratevevo:matrix.orgPyrateI never had that issue in other games, it could be satisfactory specific, I wonder if someone should let them know about this on their QA site10:52:48
In reply to @Creak:matrix.org
yeah files are here... it seems that Satisfactory (the app) doesn't want to open them anymore...
maybe they just need to be copied to the right folder
@blaiz0r:matrix.orgblaiz0rYes, it sounds very strange11:01:23
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakDo you know if changing the Proton version would change something in the save files? (like their format would change because of it?)12:28:25
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakBut even if it was, it doesn't explain why I couldn't see my saves in-game even when going back to Proton experimental.12:29:20
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakAnyway... I played 6h and did almost the same I did in 20h in my previous run12:29:38
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakI take that as a win 😄12:29:44
@blaiz0r:matrix.orgblaiz0rDifferent Devs setup their saves differently, I know in another game (Aliens: Fireteam Elite) that re-installing the game doesn't correctly download the saves, but does correctly upload the saves. It might be because it doesn't successfully match profiles or something, but the issue is that after you first launch the reinstalled game, it uploads a new blank save file overwriting your cloud progress :(13:01:41
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacsMy client just uses save files for the free 256MB of cloud storage per game hence me adding all free steam games to my account....20:20:12
@robustpatcher24:matrix.orgChurch of EMacsVery cheap over complicated cloud storage20:20:33
12 Nov 2024
@planethoth:matrix.org@planethoth:matrix.org left the room.13:08:50
19 Nov 2024
@ikkevoid:matrix.orgikkevoid joined the room.12:32:52
22 Nov 2024
@peter:de-ath.co.uk@peter:de-ath.co.uk left the room.19:40:35
27 Nov 2024
@neoc0rtex:matrix.orgneoc0rtex joined the room.20:45:09
30 Nov 2024
@nep_nep:matrix.bottomservices.clubSofia (randomly dming for anything lewd = instant block) changed their profile picture.17:33:03
2 Dec 2024
@nep_nep:matrix.bottomservices.clubSofia (randomly dming for anything lewd = instant block)i recently bought palworld, quite fun and works great with proton :319:21:42
@nep_nep:matrix.bottomservices.clubSofia (randomly dming for anything lewd = instant block)

i had to use an env variable to make it hide my nvidia gpu but that's probably just because i'm using nouveau (which also works surprisingly well nowadays, it's still not as performant as the official drivers but it is playable)

@blaiz0r:matrix.orgblaiz0rNice to know that Nouveau is better these days19:52:30
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakYep! Last time I tried it, it was good enough to have a UI until you install the proprietary drivers 😄 I think that NVIDIA opening up a little bit must help a lot Nouveau's devs!20:12:44
@nep_nep:matrix.bottomservices.clubSofia (randomly dming for anything lewd = instant block)plus the new mesa frontend supports vulkan (which is a lot more performant) rather than just opengl, and it was written from scratch over the last two years20:16:56
@Creak:matrix.orgCreakBTW I'm playing Satisfactory these days. A few weeks back it required Proton experimental, but now the stable Proton works perfectly!20:32:10

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