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9 Nov 2021
@_discord_239371209202991105:t2bot.ioOxey#2127 Does that work 10:28:23
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 Ok i'm pretty sure there's nothing more to be done if i want a layout with these columns 10:28:25
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 i don't want to touch the vowels because I don't see how that can help me (like maybe ue oa columns are good but that won't change the rest), and if i pin only a couple of letters it immediately just gives me the same thing with srtnh 10:29:08
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377
v l d f q  z w o u . 
s r t n k  g y e a i / 
x j m h b  p c ' , ; 
@_discord_239371209202991105:t2bot.ioOxey#2127 I like the vowels tbh it doesn't just load 16% on ring 10:29:36
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 what if i let redirects go up 10:29:48
@_discord_239371209202991105:t2bot.ioOxey#2127 by swapping a vowel and consonant column? 10:32:37
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 oh i haven't been seeing your messages for some reason tf 10:36:19
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 my wifi wack 10:36:20
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 I don't think it works at all lol 10:36:30
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 so many dsfbs 10:36:34
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 not to mention the raw frequency 10:36:45
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 Yeah me too
i feel like even though you might benefit from marginally better sfbs by having ue oa columns, i think oe ua is very human, and oe ui just puts more load onto pinky which already has quite a lot of punc to deal with
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 so the vowel block is mostly non-negotiable, one of the few things that i'm quite decided lol lol 10:37:51
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 * so the vowel block is mostly non-negotiable, one of the few things that i'm quite decided on lol 10:37:54
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 nah just by reducing the weight
i still have the vowel block pinned, but i wonder what happens if i let it to its thing more with the indexes and such
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 the end result is not good things 10:39:39
@_discord_239371209202991105:t2bot.ioOxey#2127 ahh 10:41:48
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 n on vowel hand is too much right? 10:42:07
@_discord_239371209202991105:t2bot.ioOxey#2127 what does it come up with? 10:42:10
@_discord_239371209202991105:t2bot.ioOxey#2127 I think N is fine but they usually bring with it a lot of other vowels 10:42:26
@_discord_239371209202991105:t2bot.ioOxey#2127 * I think N is fine but they usually bring with it a lot of other consonants 10:42:31
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377
v l d f q  z g u o . 
s r t n b  y m e a i / 
x j k h p  w c ' , ; 
Rolls (l): 24.72%
    Inward: ~12.43%
    Outward: ~12.29%
Rolls (r): 23.88%
    Inward: ~12.22%
    Outward: ~11.66%
Alternates: ~39.49%
Onehands: ~0.74%
Redirects: ~5.29%
Finger Speed (weighted): [0.68 0.85 0.70 1.87 1.54 1.43 2.29 0.67]
Finger Speed (unweighted): [1.03 3.06 3.38 10.30 8.45 6.87 8.23 1.00]
Highest Speed (weighted): 2.29 (RR)
Highest Speed (unweighted): 10.30 (LI)
Index Usage: 17.2% 11.4%
SFBs: 0.718%
DSFBs: 5.618%
LSBs: 1.53%

i also changed the vowel block here and it barely changed the sfbs so i'm def keeping oe kekw
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 and like 10:43:20
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 the indexes are even more imbalanced, nothing is better, and the redirects are higher 10:43:33
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 it seems to enjoy dtk as a column a lot 10:43:54
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377 which is fine because m seems to go well on indexes
@_discord_239371209202991105:t2bot.ioOxey#2127 dtk is cool yeah 10:44:26
@_discord_397759190543892480:t2bot.ioSmudge 🦕#3377
v l d g p  z q o u . 
s r t y c  m n e a i / 
x j k w f  b h ' , ; 
Rolls (l): 12.91%
    Inward: ~5.99%
    Outward: ~6.91%
Rolls (r): 39.34%
    Inward: ~17.81%
    Outward: ~21.53%
Alternates: ~32.89%
Onehands: ~2.12%
Redirects: ~6.45%
Finger Speed (weighted): [0.68 0.85 0.70 1.66 1.76 2.18 1.55 0.67]
Finger Speed (unweighted): [1.03 3.06 3.38 9.13 9.68 10.45 5.59 1.00]
Highest Speed (weighted): 2.18 (RM)
Highest Speed (unweighted): 10.45 (RM)
Index Usage: 13.1% 15.5%
SFBs: 0.723%
DSFBs: 6.249%
LSBs: 3.86%
Top SFBs:
    au 0.127%    ua 0.111%    mb 0.079%    eo 0.078%
    rl 0.077%    e' 0.048%    oe 0.044%    cy 0.032%

6% up from 3-4ish
@_discord_239371209202991105:t2bot.ioOxey#2127 either dtk dtm, I feel like the rest is kinda cringe 10:45:00

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