
Elrond Validators

185 Members
Battle of Nodes - an epic Testnet-as-a-Battleground event https://battleofnodes.com10 Servers

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4 Jun 2020
@philiparthurmoore:matrix.org@philiparthurmoore:matrix.org set a profile picture.07:21:59
@philiparthurmoore:matrix.org@philiparthurmoore:matrix.org left the room.07:22:33
15 Jun 2020
@Chinezupwnz:matrix.org@Chinezupwnz:matrix.org left the room.12:14:40
@alexa:perthchat.org@alexa:perthchat.org 13:48:56
@rocky:utwente.io@rocky:utwente.io 16:28:04
20 Jun 2020
@andreas:matrix.allmende.ioandreas 17:30:36
23 Jun 2020
@annette:ggc-project.de@annette:ggc-project.de 19:56:12
3 Jul 2020
@sara:tchncs.desara 17:01:26
7 Jul 2020
@theodor:netzgemeinde.eu@theodor:netzgemeinde.eu 21:11:30
4 Jul 2020
@lena:tomesh.netlena 09:42:16
5 Jul 2020
@dunja:sibnsk.netdunja 22:52:14
@karoline:kde.orgkaroline 22:54:40
9 Jul 2020
@einar:feneas.org@einar:feneas.org 21:44:16
10 Jul 2020
@rayan:hackerspaces.berayan 19:29:36
27 Jul 2020
@mowgli:diasp.inmowgli 21:08:57
9 Aug 2020
@rolandmoldovan:matrix.org@rolandmoldovan:matrix.org left the room.20:46:01
26 Dec 2020
@theodor:netzgemeinde.eu@theodor:netzgemeinde.eu left the room.18:46:12
@rocky:utwente.io@rocky:utwente.io left the room.20:34:00
@annette:ggc-project.de@annette:ggc-project.de left the room.20:54:21
@einar:feneas.org@einar:feneas.org left the room.21:24:44
28 Dec 2020
@alexa:perthchat.org@alexa:perthchat.org left the room.18:05:33
29 Dec 2020
@anuntjocuri:matrix.org@anuntjocuri:matrix.org left the room.08:40:49
26 Mar 2021
@alexdcrypto:matrix.orgalexdcrypto - stake2earn.com 🌜 changed their display name from alexdcrypto to alexdcrypto - stake2earn.com 🌜.20:56:06
25 Jan 2023
@soringp:matrix.orgSorin removed their profile picture.14:38:43
8 Jun 2023
@sebler:matrix.org@sebler:matrix.org joined the room.18:36:59
@sebler:matrix.org@sebler:matrix.org left the room.18:37:53
26 Jun 2023
@hiddentao:matrix.org@hiddentao:matrix.org left the room.12:27:13
17 Jun 2024
@mariposa1000:matrix.orgshai set a profile picture.18:26:36
21 Jun 2024
@m4dbi7:matrix.orgkris changed their profile picture.15:03:15
@m4dbi7:matrix.orgkris changed their profile picture.17:33:40

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