

86 Members
Macchiato framework for ClojureScript and Node https://github.com/macchiato-framework25 Servers

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9 Aug 2018
@_slack_clojurians_U0C8489U6:matrix.orgrichiardiandrea Ok ported cuerdas to self-host today so we can include that if it gets accepted and merged 19:25:08
14 Aug 2018
@_slack_clojurians_U050CBXUZ:matrix.orgyogthos awesome 15:27:19
11 Oct 2018
@_slack_clojurians_UC78Y0DR9:matrix.organdrea.imparato joined the room.15:41:57
@_slack_clojurians_UC78Y0DR9:matrix.organdrea.imparato hello everyone! quick question, is macchiato mature enough to be used in production? 15:41:57
@_slack_clojurians_U050CBXUZ:matrix.orgyogthos yup, my team is using it for some services currently, and I've talked to a few other companies who use it 16:24:41
@_slack_clojurians_UC78Y0DR9:matrix.organdrea.imparato are you using it in a self hosted server or in serverless environment? yogthos 19:38:21
@_slack_clojurians_U050CBXUZ:matrix.orgyogthos my team is using it on a self hosted kubernetes cluster 19:56:57
3 Nov 2018
@_slack_clojurians_U0F6G1MNX:matrix.orgjustinmcp joined the room.02:37:35
@_slack_clojurians_U0F6G1MNX:matrix.orgjustinmcp anyone know of an example/tutorial/base project that serves a reagent app out of macchiato? 02:37:37
@_slack_clojurians_U662GKS3F:matrix.orgnenadalm You can use template with +browser profile https://github.com/macchiato-framework/macchiato-template#profiles. It doesn't serve reagent app and the only thing that the js app does is printing into console: https://github.com/macchiato-framework/macchiato-template/blob/master/resources/leiningen/new/macchiato/src/browser/app.cljs#L5 but you can put reagent code into that js file. 08:37:08
@_slack_clojurians_U0F6G1MNX:matrix.orgjustinmcp Thanks! That should get me started 12:24:15
26 Nov 2018
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova joined the room.15:31:11
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova how did I not know about this thing ?! 15:31:11
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova 😄 15:31:14
27 Nov 2018
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova I have a suggestion. Please add a default index.html with a javascript embed (cljs ) by default so that when i start a new macchiato app i can start playing in rum right away. 13:16:28
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova the way i have it set up, in the routes it serves a javascript file to the page via [:script ...] and i had to mess with the project.clj quite a bit to get it to compile my cljs separately, but finally i just created a new build called :client and invoke it with lein client 13:17:17
@_slack_clojurians_U662GKS3F:matrix.orgnenadalm If I understand you correctly, you want some basic js file in browser (compiled from cljs) that you can easilly extend. There is such file: https://github.com/macchiato-framework/macchiato-template/blob/master/resources/leiningen/new/macchiato/src/browser/app.cljs you just need to run
lein new macchiato app +browser
to generate it (https://github.com/macchiato-framework/macchiato-template#usage).
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova Question... if I wanted to incorporate web sockets into this npm/cljs divesto, what would be a good avenue? 20:05:52
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova yep that's exactly right. thank you. 20:07:12
@_slack_clojurians_U662GKS3F:matrix.orgnenadalm I used sente on one project. You just need to copy https://github.com/ptaoussanis/sente/pull/307 into your namespace 20:16:15
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova Awesome! 20:28:16
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova That simplifies a lot of work if there's already a working copy to build from. 20:28:30
@_slack_clojurians_U3ES97LAC:matrix.orgsova I was reading https://macchiato-framework.github.io/docs/websockets.html but i think sente will be nicer to play with. 20:28:57
18 Dec 2018
@_slack_clojurians_U1KLLEBSA:matrix.orgjstaab joined the room.00:01:18
@_slack_clojurians_U1KLLEBSA:matrix.orgjstaab Hey, I'm trying to get macchiato working with shadow-cljs, but I'm having problems with (I think) shadow-cljs eliminating non-externed stuff within macchiato. Basically, my server is working with a dev build, but fails on "release", regardless of what optimizations I set. Is there a recommended way to get this done or am I in no-man's land? 00:01:18
@_slack_clojurians_U662GKS3F:matrix.orgnenadalm Hi. As I understand, people usually don't recommend advanced optimizations on backend (because it's too much work and nobody usually cares about js size there). I am not using them too as I don't find it useful. Also I am not using swadow-cljs - maybe try to ask in shadow-cljs channel for related stuff. 08:56:07
15 Mar 2019
@_slack_clojurians_U3LP7DWPR:matrix.orgclaudiu joined the room.14:22:19
@_slack_clojurians_U3LP7DWPR:matrix.orgclaudiu Hi 🙂 looking over macchiato for a new project. Anyone know what the status of the project is ? 14:22:27
@_slack_clojurians_U3LP7DWPR:matrix.orgclaudiu Seems like there hasn't been much activity since Jul 2018. Trying to figure out if it's just stable and mature or if people have moved on 🙂 14:23:05
@_slack_clojurians_U52RNHDRN:matrix.orgrestenb changed their profile picture.15:18:52

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