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23 Jan 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <evalir>Neither does USDC as far as I see 🤔 21:53:44
24 Jan 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <bingen>@evalir Do you know if we need the event BoughtAndActivated? Can I remove it? See for reference:
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <evalir>Yeah, we actually need it as its pretty coupled with the frontend logic. If we change it, I might need some time to rewire the events. 12:47:58
27 Jan 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <evalir>Hey @bingen , regarding the BoughtAndActivated event: what about we just rename it? As we will have the option both buy and activate. 16:23:39
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <evalir>The thing about just removing is that the frontend relies on knowing about the purchase & activation for the success messages. 16:25:35
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <bingen>Yes, but there should already be events for both things: buying in Presale/Fundraising, activating in Registry. Can’t you use those? 16:52:38
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <evalir>If so, then it should be fine, just keeping in mind that we should then add an indicator of the “current” balance, not only the active balance. 18:52:57
30 Jan 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ecwireless>Is anyone actively working on issue #1065? If not, I’m planning on taking a crack at it 21:46:45
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <guido.vizoso>Hi everyone! I’ll start with issue #675. Thought about attaching it to the Box Header. Do I proceed or were you thinking about a more general purpose Toggle component? 22:29:03
31 Jan 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai> Hey! Which #1065 do you mean (we have a few repos)? https://github.com/aragon/aragon/issues/1065 has already been fixed :).

But otherwise, if it’s still open, it is most likely not being worked on and you can give it a shot!

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai> I was thinking about a more general purpose one that could be used anywhere, since the places we currently use it are not in a Box’s header 11:23:42
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <guido.vizoso> Got it! 11:49:13
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>@sohkai About issue #1065, he was talking about this one https://github.com/aragon/aragon-apps/issues/1065 :) ecwireless is the person with whom we found the nodejs 12 problem hehe 12:37:23
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>Gotcha! 12:44:16
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai> We currently do some formatting on anj.aragon.org (see https://github.com/aragon/anj.aragon.org/blob/master/src/web3-utils.js#L119), so it may be as easy as migrating a version of this over to Finance :). 12:45:16
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>And for running the apps, this may be useful: https://gist.github.com/bpierre/22572415b90577aa17e5953fa68980eb 12:47:28
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ecwireless>Thanks @sohkai ! I’ll take a look at anj.aragon.org 13:39:38
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <guido.vizoso>Hi @sohkai @bpierre! I’ve made a simplified version of the Toggle component to get some feedback. Is this the way you want to use the component? Yo can see it here: https://github.com/guidovizoso/aragon-ui/tree/toggle-component and try it on the devbox: http://localhost:1234/#Toggle 14:58:34
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <bpierre>Hi @guido.vizoso, awesome! I’ll have a look later today and let you know 👍 16:28:26
1 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sem>Hi guys, I’m a bit worried. I can’t withdraw money from the new CFDAO, and it’s not quite clear why, the vote just doesn’t enact: https://mainnet.aragon.org/#/cfdao/0xd654287285c6fd006ed44c20b0cbe462b7039b28/vote/0/ 02:41:31
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sem>There is an active vote from the old CFDAO transfering 12k SAI and 1.k DAI. 02:42:25
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sem>Is there any reason why I can’t enact this particular vote that I’m not aware of? If it is a problem with the DAO, we should we say people vote against the transfer, but the DAO uses the new proxies and has right permissions. Can somebody check it with me? 02:45:46
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sem>Problem found (and in the process of fixing): @lkngtn detected that “Transfer Agent’s tokens” permissions is unassigned, and this is why I can’ t enact the vote. I’m much more relieved now! 10:22:58
2 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai> Been thinking about this for a while now, since with the permissions graph this is clearly something we can warn the user about: https://github.com/aragon/aragon/issues/1292 11:40:57
3 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <jh>Hey everyone, I was wondering if there was an update on the timeline for the Dandelion template? I’d love to be able to upgrade the Saint Fame organization to this template asap. I’m super excited by what we can do with it :)


@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai> ASAP; most likely this week. When you want to upgrade, please ping us or @lkngtn so we can help with the installation process as it’s a bit more complex to set up. 11:29:31
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <louisgrx>@all All Aragon Devs #41 will be live streamed today at 5pm CEST. Livestream link will be published closer to the call time, but this is a last call for any agenda items (feel free to respond or message me!). 15:56:52
5 Feb 2020
@griffgreen:matrix.orggriffgreenHey guys! Curious about this issue: https://github.com/aragon/aragon/issues/585 Bulk token assignment.18:50:43
@griffgreen:matrix.orggriffgreenIs it in progress anywhere?18:50:52
@griffgreen:matrix.orggriffgreenI think its easy to workaround when the token is transferable... as there are many multisend options... but when the token is non-transferable and used as reputation it makes for a lot of clicks and a lot of gas $$$ to get the job done :-D18:52:59

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