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1 Dec 2018
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> The first: **allowing one to buy a membership** which may be superfluous since that's likely an assumption of the organtizational structure; the second: **the ability to grant a membership**, which could be direct from the token manager, _OR_ require a vote10:43:58
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> And am realizing that you just said you conceptually have no issue lol. Sorry, I should probably go to bed10:47:14
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> ok, i see what you are saying and i actually was just adding the buy membership permission. the ability to grant a mambership would come from the app minting the appropriate amount of tokens so im not sure how to handle this as i have it in one function with the BuyMembership permission already10:47:25
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> no worries man, i shoulda been asleep a few hours ago10:47:58
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> i used a require() to ensure msg.value is the right amount being sent10:48:53
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> > the ability to grant a mambership would come from the app minting the appropriate amount of tokens so im not sure how to handle this I'm not sure if communicating with the Token Manager from a third party app can be programmitcally handled via AragonOS in the smart contract or needs to be handled via AragonJS. Thoughts @sohkai @bingen?10:53:23
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> it could, but it wouldnt be needed10:54:48
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> > the ability to grant a mambership would come from the app minting the appropriate amount of tokens so im not sure how to handle this I'm not sure if communicating with the Token Manager from a third party app, for the sake of minting tokens - which would require some permission checking - can be programmitcally handled via AragonOS in the smart contract or needs to be handled via AragonJS. Thoughts @sohkai @bingen?10:54:55
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> > the ability to grant a mambership would come from the app minting the appropriate amount of tokens so im not sure how to handle this I'm not sure if communicating with the Token Manager from a third party app, for the sake of minting tokens - which would require some permission checking - can be programmitcally handled via AragonOS in the smart contract or needs to be handled via AragonJS.10:55:34
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> this token in the Token Manager app is "owned" by the app so the app has the permisions to mint more, likewise, the internal crypto used by the membership app would be "owned" by the app itself10:56:22
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> ive basically used the same mint function found in the Token manager app, along with its permission, but then called it in the BuyMembership function which im not 100% sure is the way to go10:58:05
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> im really unclear on the purpose of the token wrapper functions in the token manager app as well10:58:32
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> as for communicating with the token app to mint more tokens from another app, im pretty sure this is exactly what the voting app is doing 11:00:15
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> im using "owned" as it would be used in a contract built from open zepplins Ownership.sol btw, but i think the concept is the same11:01:23
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> Sure, such that the instantiator of a contract is the owner, be it the Token Manager or your own token manager of sorts11:02:58
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> Yea, exactly! Membership.sol will just act as a type of token manager under the hood, this way its fully compatible with the existing voting app11:06:13
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> I pushed a few changes to membership.sol to get as well, I think I might have to the permissions set up right, but not sure 11:07:00
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> Damn, I redacted that thought being overly self concious of over imposing myself lol. Will take a look in a few and probably respond in the morning. Am winding down this evening/morning to some :)11:12:20
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> Will take a look in a few and probably respond in the morning. Am winding down this evening/morning to some :)11:15:00
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> No worries, me too. Been a long day lol. Have a good night man11:20:05
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> > the ability to grant a mambership would come from the app minting the appropriate amount of tokens so im not sure how to handle this I'm not sure if communicating with the Token Manager from a third party app, for the sake of minting tokens (which would require some permission checking) can be programmitcally handled via AragonOS in the smart contract or needs to be handled via AragonJS.11:29:56
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> Ah, yeah obviously that's handled by `auth()` and roles, and since it's just another token manager of sorts can manage it's own repsonsibilities. Awesome!11:33:55
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> Dude, too cool11:34:02
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> Am responding to my own questions there, to be clear lol11:35:45
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <CryptoTom> Sorry, I feel like I'm catching up to you now!11:37:44
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> @CryptoTom there's still ALOT of ground to cover either way lol22:25:01
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> I think I'm wrong in the way I'm currently implementing it. I think I can just call the _mint within the buy membership function without the need for a separate mint function with an auth()....either that or I need to use authp() to buyMembership and figure out how that works.22:27:53
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> I'm also not 100% and more than welcome anyone who knows to correct me, but I think the erc20 wrapper and all functions using it in TokenManager.sol are there to interface with *any* erc20 that may be sent to it. Here I don't think we will need it as our app should only deal with the internal, non-stransferable erc20..... though the version of the Membership app that also issued the DAO's cryptocurrency will probably need it. 22:31:58
2 Dec 2018
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> @CryptoTom I've made some progress on the contracts an I've been able to implement a first attempt at a 51% attack failsafe mechanism that mints the "being purchased" amount to every existing member in the organization 02:21:04
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot[rocketchat] <christopher.dixon> I did it with an if statement for now, ill have to look into the most cost effective way to implement this as far as has goes.02:22:02

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