
Edgeware Support

6172 Members
General (not dev or validator) support requests for Edgeware.7 Servers

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3 Jan 2024
@_discord_999607195069071410:t2bot.io.milkonmars Alternatively is there a way to convert my EDG to BNC ? 02:45:29
@_discord_1083929728332865557:t2bot.ioNurhatRedacted or Malformed Event02:45:53
@_discord_1065752987177336953:t2bot.iomarcus353 joined the room.05:12:38
@_discord_565881594058113055:t2bot.ioFrogman | Edgeware what is BNC? 07:36:13
@_discord_565881594058113055:t2bot.ioFrogman | Edgeware You can use exchanges to swap in USDT and buy other Tokens 07:36:46
@_discord_1119598117440999457:t2bot.ioolosco changed their display name from Olosco to olosco.11:25:35
@_discord_781766262945611797:t2bot.iojackb3847 I used another Ledger device and installed the Edgeware app through Ledger Live and noticed there are two versions: Edgeware and Edgeware XL (double the file size).

Why two versions?

I also noticed both apps state "Pending Ledger review" when initiated through the Ledger device.

So hopefully not too far away from Ledger wallet finally working soon in the Edgeware app.
4 Jan 2024
@_discord_1159464554506506340:t2bot.ioboss0873_94964 joined the room.10:11:00
@_discord_819941504822280272:t2bot.iomils7872 joined the room.10:59:54
@_discord_1138910402328141864:t2bot.iokahmeedmeer joined the room.11:01:39
5 Jan 2024
@ampersandi:matrix.orgampersandi joined the room.02:58:41
@_discord_1190562030747402303:t2bot.ioelai0499 joined the room.13:56:34
6 Jan 2024
@aquahollands:hyperreal.chatEllusionst changed their profile picture.03:01:20
@_discord_1065395758985121803:t2bot.ioheulwen273 joined the room.06:35:05
@favour4568:matrix.org@favour4568:matrix.org joined the room.20:06:59
@favour4568:matrix.org@favour4568:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:48:07
@anti-scam:matrix.org+ | Spam PoliceRedacted or Malformed Event20:48:10
7 Jan 2024
@frogmanx:matrix.orgFrogman banned @favour4568:matrix.org@favour4568:matrix.org.05:09:18
@_discord_387349487850618891:t2bot.iojada855_855 joined the room.20:27:54
@_discord_1133995038712528936:t2bot.io5437655 changed their display name from 45544677888 to 5437655.20:31:23
8 Jan 2024
@_discord_1189962359612129380:t2bot.ioreliver147 joined the room.08:25:50
@_discord_539006320213491722:t2bot.ioalexsank joined the room.19:39:00
@aquahollands:hyperreal.chatEllusionst changed their display name from AquaHollands to yo.22:13:26
@fuck_thisworld:matrix.org@fuck_thisworld:matrix.org joined the room.23:33:24
10 Jan 2024
@nikki_jade2739:matrix.orgNicole Jade joined the room.02:24:58
@_discord_1063064522832744528:t2bot.iowalter32324 joined the room.06:18:51
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_1084546310218203249:t2bot.ioKeviN3K joined the room.16:48:15
@sdrk:matrix.org@sdrk:matrix.org joined the room.19:50:27
@sdrk:matrix.org@sdrk:matrix.org left the room.19:54:30
@_discord_1181328694854303841:t2bot.ioluckyyou09 joined the room.22:55:29

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