

24 Members
1 Servers

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20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.22:42:16
17 Jun 2023
@korreckj328:matrix.orgJeremiah Korreck joined the room.20:44:50
19 Jun 2023
@sgtnasty:matrix.org@sgtnasty:matrix.org joined the room.16:27:43
@sgtnasty:matrix.org@sgtnasty:matrix.org is there a command option in swift for adding a package by common name? (like rust cargo add tokio ) 16:48:44
@sgtnasty:matrix.org@sgtnasty:matrix.org something like swift package --add pkgnamehere 16:49:08
20 Jun 2023
@iosdevsim:matrix.orgAliceNot yet but the proposal for package editor commands is approved now17:05:15
@iosdevsim:matrix.orgAliceNot yet but the proposal for package editor commands was approved.17:09:19
@iosdevsim:matrix.orgAliceLooks like progress on the PR has stalled17:09:35
7 Jul 2023
@iosdemo:matrix.orgiOS Demo joined the room.11:21:29
23 Sep 2024
@sgtnasty:matrix.org@sgtnasty:matrix.org left the room.15:13:40

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