
Firefox Containers

209 Members
https://support.mozilla.org/kb/containers20 Servers

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28 Jul 2024
@sss:matrix.dark-alexandr.netsss left the room.10:30:29
31 Jul 2024
@flex_ible:matrix.orgFlex left the room.11:43:15
1 Aug 2024
@sebbu:matrix.orgsebbu set a profile picture.17:07:54
7 Aug 2024
@if-else-maybe:matrix.orgpancsta changed their display name from tob to pancsta.22:52:44
9 Aug 2024
@nunesgh:matrix.orgGabriel H. NunesHi! Is there a way of assigning websites to always open in a given container before actually opening the websites?05:29:18
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny Colin
In reply to @nunesgh:matrix.org
Hi! Is there a way of assigning websites to always open in a given container before actually opening the websites?
Not with Multi-Account Containers but there's https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/containerise/
11 Aug 2024
@nunesgh:matrix.orgGabriel H. NunesThank you for the information!09:45:52
@nunesgh:matrix.orgGabriel H. NunesAre there any plans to add this feature to the Multi-Account Containers extension?09:46:17
13 Aug 2024
@nunesgh:matrix.orgGabriel H. Nunes
In reply to @nunesgh:matrix.org
Are there any plans to add this feature to the Multi-Account Containers extension?
Or would it be possible to edit a local configuration file to manually add websites?
@dannycolin:mozilla.orgDanny Colin
In reply to @nunesgh:matrix.org
Or would it be possible to edit a local configuration file to manually add websites?
AFAIK, it isn't planned and it isn't possible to have a local config at the moment. That'd also need to be implemented.
16 Aug 2024
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ set a profile picture.17:28:09
17 Aug 2024
@sissythem:mozilla.orgSissy changed their profile picture.05:56:36
18 Aug 2024
@twisniewski:mozilla.orgtwisniewski changed their display name from twisniewski to twisniewski [away until Sep.9].07:30:21
26 Aug 2024
@timepencil:matrix.orgTimePencil joined the room.01:26:48
1 Sep 2024
@timepencil:matrix.orgTimePencil changed their display name from timepencil to TimePencil.17:33:10
3 Sep 2024
@jld:mozilla.orgjld changed their display name from jld (on leave) to jld (slow).15:53:35
9 Sep 2024
@jld:mozilla.orgjld changed their display name from jld (slow) to jld.03:15:52
@codedude64:matrix.orgcodeDudehi there05:57:57

How can I setup the containers plugin to don't ask me which container should I open the current webpage? I'd like the webpage opens ever in the current container

@codedude64:matrix.orgcodeDudefor example it doesn't matter if I mostly use github in the work container if I'm using the personal container don't ask me to open in the work one I'd like to open it in the current one06:00:55
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliI think that‘s‘ the default behaviour if you don’t assign websites to containers08:04:51
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbaliTo un-assign a container click the addon button -> manage containers -> “work” -> manage site list, then scroll to “github.com” and click the trashcan icon next to it08:06:37
@twisniewski:mozilla.orgtwisniewski changed their display name from twisniewski [away until Sep.9] to twisniewski.13:54:11
@cimbali:mozilla.orgCimbali * I think that‘s the default behaviour if you don’t assign websites to containers17:24:06
14 Sep 2024
@pmxi:matrix.orgParas Mittal changed their display name from pmxi to Paras Mittal.01:16:23
15 Sep 2024
@the-only-user:beeper.comthe-only-userJust replying to this so I dan jump back to it, xD trying it out03:56:15

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